Imperious Rex - Sigma RoC
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Author:  Vanishing Point [ Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:56 am ]
Post subject:  Imperious Rex - Sigma RoC

Imperious had a scheme that was eclipsed by the plot he presented. Imperious began his decent into darkness beside a man he reguarded as his friend, a brother in arms. Rex Lewis was assigned as Science Investigations Officer in charge of a detachment seeking out the source of a series of attrocities. On the squad was Conrad Hauser, between the 90's disbanding of G.I. Joe and his CIA attachment. Conrad had become involved with Rex's Sister Anna so much so the career soldier had proposed. At some point during their mission a blast destroyed a bunker that Rex was investigating. Grief striken Hauser returned stateside but could not face Anna, files indicate this is when Hauser was resourced to the CIA. Anna would disappear shortly there after. Rex emerged from his brush with death corrupted by the feelings of betrayal and the knowledge he had aquired from the bunker.

According to intel gathered Imperious is in fact the man who assumed the role of Cobra Commander in the Devil's Due mission saw the rise of Cobra using the might of Nano machines.

Very little was as it would seem during this time of Cobra, Alexander had assumed the role of his father Destro and actually betrayed am man who was not who he said he was. Another illusion of this period was the Baroness, her actions where so devoted and complacent to the will of the Commander, all preprogrammed by Rex his very own Chameleon to attempt control Destro as well as demoralize Hauser. She would be his undoing as she shot him in the back shortly after he crippled General Hawk. Seeing Hauser as well as encountering the real Baroness caused the programing to faulter.

Imperious used this time to allow another of the Commanders to take control, while he undertook a new role that he would use to launch his own private World War. He noticed the pattern that no matter how many troops were sent against the Joes their unique talents where what allowed them to rise against any odds. Imperious began forming a unit of thirteen such individuals to act as the plague, to purge imperfection from their ranks and finally mount a real fight against GIJoe.

rex 003.JPG
rex 003.JPG [ 67.25 KiB | Viewed 841 times ]
rex 001.JPG
rex 001.JPG [ 89.05 KiB | Viewed 841 times ]

Author:  pluv [ Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Imperious Rex - Sigma RoC

Did you just combine all of the worst bits of story telling in the Joe mythos over the last decade and actually make it sound cool? 8-O The figure is decent enough, but man, the back story is killer.

Author:  Vanishing Point [ Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Imperious Rex - Sigma RoC

yup all that and the head off a rapid roller

Author:  MobileBattleBunker [ Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Imperious Rex - Sigma RoC

Impressive thats the only way to describe your back story-

I am not one for your medium but you do a great job with them!

Author:  Matthew [ Fri Mar 26, 2010 11:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Imperious Rex - Sigma RoC

Great custom. Unique backstory :D

The one thing this custom is missing is a trench coat. I think Long Range's would be sweet. That is my critique.

Amazing eye to use the Rapid Roller head.

Author:  Vanishing Point [ Mon Mar 29, 2010 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Imperious Rex - Sigma RoC

did a quick dye job to the coat giving it the blue grey instead of the original olive drabish grey it was before

rex 002.JPG
rex 002.JPG [ 68.86 KiB | Viewed 608 times ]

Author:  Matthew [ Mon Mar 29, 2010 9:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Imperious Rex - Sigma RoC

Vanishing Point wrote:
did a quick dye job to the coat giving it the blue grey instead of the original olive drabish grey it was before


Author:  past nastification [ Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Imperious Rex - Sigma RoC

As I've said before, these are great figures that really force me to like Sigma 6 style figures. Nicely done as always.

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