here is where my buddy Kevin is at with the Flagg. Still trying to round up unbroken, yet discolored pieces. If anybody has anything, please let me know. Looking for more guns, some chairs, the top mast, that little computer deal that kinda looks like a teleprompter, doors, and more misc. I have seen some on ebay, but each piece is over 15 bucks, which would make this a very expensive custom, which is not the route we really want to go.
Probably going to Ebay it after it's oone, hoping to score enough from selling this one to buy another one, and maybe a terrordrome to spice up.
bucky, drbindy, Tim 121RVC, alleyviperelite, danielb, DREMEL
harlie, icecreamman, Jogunwarrior, Mysterious Stranger
Oneforceleader, Rambo, ronin, Silent Master, Suburbanator
toy-nutz, Tsunami, Wowboy, pugsley, spin doctor