Toxie's Universe hits 2 years
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Author:  zedhatch [ Sat May 01, 2010 1:58 am ]
Post subject:  Toxie's Universe hits 2 years

Toxie is now in the terrible two's LOL


Toxie hit the two year mark this month and it's going to be a month long celebration.

First of Toxie's Universe will be updated EVERY DAY IN MAY! (Barring any techical issues with web host of course ;-).

Also several contests this month, stay tuned for the first one to be announced on Monday (since everyone will be distracted with the Con anyway).

check it out daily here:


Author:  Spin Doctor [ Sat May 08, 2010 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Toxie's Universe hits 2 years

Man, I still love the Toxieverse. In fact I drew on it for inspiration when pulling together this year's JCA show (the way you handle comic interplay between universes is fantastic).

I drop back in on it every few months to catch up and imagine my delight and surprise when I saw you'd shifted into overdrive, Zed.

Updates every day?!?!

I admire your dedication but weep for your sanity. ;)

Author:  zedhatch [ Sun May 09, 2010 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Toxie's Universe hits 2 years

Thanks the dailies have been easier than I thought, of course I got a major amount done well in advance. Still its been entertaining trying to keep the pace up.

On the interplay, its the exact same thing I did as a kid, so in many ways it just seems natural to me. I admit when I was younger and had the Lone Ranger/Flash Gordon/ect I actually was much more serious about it, but the comedy element adds in some flavor that I feel I don't have to try to explain Lightsabers and bullets clashing LOL.

Author:  Cap [ Mon May 10, 2010 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Toxie's Universe hits 2 years

Two years? Wow. It seemed longer, unless I was thinking of how many years it took to find that wealth of 1:18 personalities.

Dailies? Shmow-zow!

Author:  zedhatch [ Wed May 12, 2010 1:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Toxie's Universe hits 2 years

Technically it has been if you count Toxie as begining with the JCA Awards show, but 2 years as a regularly updating series.

Really I thought it was much much longer too, I had to check the modify dates on my first pics to be certain LOL.

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