Big thanks for looking and commenting, guys...
TR101AL: LOL. That old devil, the double entendre. LOL.
Dark Horse wrote:
A suggestion (not a critique though
) would be to photoshop all the joints out on the posters.
You mean all of them or just the robots?
Thanks, Marcus. I'd actually begun this endeavor by doing just that-- editing out all the joint lines. I have many done in that manner, but I think that I actually like them more with their joints visible-- revealing true that they are toys. That's, lately thinking though.
While I do find this style cool...
"Galilea settles before the sunset""Dr. Geneva Kristicos, at home in Europa Metro""Technicians studying radio-geological anomalies inside the GeoLab"...I think that I might prefer that instant recognition that comes from leaving the joint lines intact, despite all else [comic realism], you know?
Because, in general, it still is primarily about the toys-- and that's where all the real work is to be found. A case in point...
(Non-Shopped) (Fully Shopped)Thank you for the kind words too...