I showed
Sokerk before, and
Glenda is just a feet swap and repainted hair, but they both got their shoulder patches today. I need to do a group shot with the convention figures.
This was my first attempt with waterslide decals, and as you can see I lost a little pigmentation on the patches. Dunno if I just didn't wait long enough after printing, or didn't spray enough of the sealant on them, or what. I'll fix these two up with a little paint, and hopefully have little more luck next time.
I knew I wanted to try my hand at a
Cobra Mortal, but I had no interest in just updating the original recipe to 25th parts. This what I came up with for the redesign:
Rather than incorporate Snake-Eyes parts like the original figure, I opted to make the figure sort of like Grey Fox for Metal Gear Solid, with Snake-Eyes' scarred face under the mask and wielding his sword. Perhaps he's a failed clone experiment that came before Serpentor...
I may eventually match up all his silver parts to the same shade, but I'm pretty fond of him as is... really like how different the Wraith head and mask look with a few modifications.
I hope to do a few Action Force figures to go with Blades as well.