Marvel Universe Customs (several)
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Author:  Kamakura [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 12:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Marvel Universe Customs (several)


Head: JP General
Torso: MU Blade
Upper Arms: MU Blade
Lower Arms: 25th Bazooka
Upper Legs: MU Blade
Lower Legs: SW Baron Soontir Fel
Boots: MU Blade

Web Gear: 25th Cobra Air Trooper – Legions Box Set
Leg Straps: 25th Cobra Soldier – Legions Box Set
Shoulder Pads: Roadpig
Gun: ROC Destro

Cable has been a favorite of mine since way back to The New Mutants. I modeled this custom after the Marvel Legends figure. I did opt to not paint the boots yellow. I mean really who is gonna fault me for choosing to not paint YELLOW. Instead, I painted them brown to match the shoulder pads and to match the boots on the ML variant figure. The left arm is really just a place holder until Hasbro gets around to doing one that will work right.... Colossus is too big, Winter Soldier is too small, Maverick is not right. Maybe I should just sculpt my own..... Yeah, with all my free time, thats not gonna happen.


Professor Charles Xavier

Head: SW Joker Squadron
Torso: SDCC Destro
Arms: SDCC Destro
Legs: SDCC Destro

Hover Chair: Toy Biz Professor X – HEAVILY MODIFIED

Easily the most labor I have put into a custom in a long time. And is this really a custom figure or a custom vehicle? This was an idea I have had in the back of my mind for about a year. Seeing Chiefs Prof X, which looks fantastic, prompted me to finally do this. I took the Toy Biz Prof. X, removed the half figure, then proceeded to cut about a 1/2 - 3/4 of an inch from the middle. Then I removed the seat back and cut 1/2 inch from the bottom. I glued it back together, did a lot of sanding and then painted. I am copying Chiefs BRILLIANT Cerebro idea. I have the helmet done already. I just need the hoses. I plan to attach the hoses to a backpack and drill a hole in the back of the Hover Chair so the portable Cerebro unit will be removable and could also be worn on the back of a figure. It will happen... one day.




Head: 25th Clutch
Torso: MU Namor
Arms: MU Namor
Legs: MU Namor

Vest: Chap Mei
Belt: Leash from Law & Order
Sniper Rifle: Spy Troops Barrel Roll
Rifle Strap: Chap Mei

I have been holding onto that damn Chap Mei vest for like 4 years. I finally used it. I opted to not go with the leopard print pants because I always felt it was over kill with the lion vest.



Head: Cast of my custom sculpted Jinx head with added eye patch
Torso: SW Darth Talon
Upper Arms: SW Darth Talon
Lower Arms: Spy Troops Lady Jaye
Legs: Darth Talon

Vest: IJ Mutt Williams
Belt: Spy Troops Zarana

Callisto has actually been finished for about a year. Overall, I like her. I did notice when I took the pic that her lower arms are a slightly lighter shade of flesh tone. You know how we always say "its the pic, it does not look that way in person"? Well thats not the case here. They are actually lighter and I just never noticed. I guess I am getting sloppy in my old age. No, I probably will not go back and fix it.


Fabian Cortez

Head: SW Anakin Skywalker
Arms: 25th Nemesis Immortal
Hands: I don’t remember what I used
Torso: MU Black Panter
Legs: MU Black Panther

Arm Bracers: MU Black Panther
Shoulder Pads: Spy Troops Scalpel
Head Set: SW Pilot Obi-Wan (I think)
Cape: Toy Biz Magneto

I really liked the Acolytes story line with Magneto and Fabian is at the heart of it. This was another custom that has been done for about year. Kinda simple, nothing too outrages with this guy. I did use vinyl tape for the stripes on the torso. I had wanted to try that as an alternative to painting straight red lines. It looks o.k. but not great.


Let me know what you think.


Author:  Chief [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 1:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel Universe Customs (several)

Ok, now I'm glad I didn't scrap my Toy Biz Hover Chair -- after seeing the mods you made to yours, it looks WAY more in-scale than I previously hoped. It never occurred to me that knocking off some height on the chair back would make such a difference.

Also love what you've done with Cable -- especially with the gear and the lower legs- I'm going to update mine now because of this. Very clean job on the paints, too - great representation of the comic colors without getting too cartoony.

Great job on Kraven - that head works perfectly -- another custom of mine I'm gonna tweak now (used the same parts for mine - sans head). I also like the black pants -- makes a lot of sense.

Callisto looks awesome - too bad I've only got one Darth Talon or I'd copy her as well :D

Not familiar with Cortez, but I like how those parts look together. I've been using vinyl tape a LOT for my customs lately - beats the hell out of painting.

Author:  joemichaels70 [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel Universe Customs (several)

back with a vengeance!! and with superheroes!!

you do some clean work, Kama, and they all look awesome.

two things:

1. Callisto needs a knife.

2. I, too, have been hanging on to that Chap Mei lion vest... and now I must use it!

(i printed out your custom for further reference)

Nice to see some customs from you!

Your Friend,

Author:  lordnestor [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel Universe Customs (several)

I however am a big fan of Cortez. I always wanted a toy of him, but I dont collect star wars so I'm out of luck on a copy of yours, lol, that'll teach me. Do you plan to paint the red or leave the tape? Dont worry I'd be happy with him on my shelf as is, but some day I'd have to paint the red. Can we see a group shot? for sizes. I think Kraven is my next fav even though the character never was. Great work! I hope to see more.

Author:  drbindy [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 1:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel Universe Customs (several)

Man, a thread full of awesome. Cable is a fantastic figure. Parts choices there, and everywhere to be honest, are perfect. Other than the professor, I don't know the other characters well, or in some cases at all, but the figures look awesome. Kraven looks like a legit badass, and the use of the Clutch head with the mods is fantastic.

Author:  Spin Doctor [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel Universe Customs (several)

These are great, but your work on the hoverchair steals the show.

And to think, all these great Professor X customs started out with a hasty JFAK LBC in the Joe Customs award show.

Who knew?

Author:  Taliesin Crow [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel Universe Customs (several)

These are all fantastic Kama. I wish my customs looked half as good as these.

Author:  Tanstoys [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel Universe Customs (several)

nice customs. I too like cable and you definately did a good choice with the boots, rather than be yellow...

Xavier love the chair, I might look into that too since I do have him

Kraven really good, the others are alright but I don't like SW looking built customs or figures

Author:  AdrienVeidt [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel Universe Customs (several)

Lots of win all around. I think Kraven's the best.

The only real suggestion I'd give is to bash Callisto onto a Ms Marvel fig for the ball hips. T-crotches are teh lame, and Cally deserves ball hips since she's such a physical fighter.

Author:  drbindy [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel Universe Customs (several)

I just looked at Cable's boots again - is it just me, or do the feet seem to be switched up?

Author:  MJTanner [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel Universe Customs (several)

..those are... awesome.. Just amazing.

I am kiping your Fabian Cortez recipe... but maybe I suggest a different head. There's a perfect-PERFECT head in one of the comic packs. It's the Legacy pack with the two imperial knights. One has long red hair in a pony tail.

Author:  DanOfTheDead [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel Universe Customs (several)

All a great, I think Cable steals the show though.

The hover chair is great too!

Author:  Kamakura [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel Universe Customs (several)

Thanks for all the feedback. I am glad everyone digs the figures.

drbindy wrote:
I just looked at Cable's boots again - is it just me, or do the feet seem to be switched up?

I double checked last night and the feet are in fact on the correct legs.


Author:  sgartz [ Fri Jun 25, 2010 5:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel Universe Customs (several)

Wow...your turn-around on that Cable custom was ridiculously fast! He looks great: the boots were an inspired choice, and the rest of the figure came together nicely. I'm glad you chose the blue-and-yellow look for him, as opposed to the his early New Mutants appearance. The head is perfect.

You've already heard my thoughts on the Callisto and Fabian Cortez customs (hint: I liked them), and I don't think I can add anything about Kraven except to say that the head works even better than I thought it would. He's exactly what you'd want from a Kraven figure.

The Professor X, god, that chair is beautiful. I was impressed when I saw the unpainted version, but the final product turned out so smooth! I'd say the whole thing looks production quality, except that a real MU figure would never have such good quality control.

Author:  Kamakura [ Fri Jun 25, 2010 10:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel Universe Customs (several)

Push You Down wrote:
I am kiping your Fabian Cortez recipe... but maybe I suggest a different head. There's a perfect-PERFECT head in one of the comic packs. It's the Legacy pack with the two imperial knights. One has long red hair in a pony tail.

I know the head you speak of. I thought it looked a little too small on the Black Panther body. I did add an appropriate looking pony tail to the back of the Anakin.


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