Ok - here's my version of Optimus Prime
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Author:  Chief [ Sun Jun 27, 2010 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Ok - here's my version of Optimus Prime

Just wanna thank JFAK again for posting his awesome version of Optimus Prime -- it was really the kick in the pants I needed to get mine finished.

I'd been thinking about this ever since Jin Santome posted a Joe-sized Optimus a while back. But I wanted to go for a kick-ass huge robot look, yet still making him recognizable.

I started with a Target Exclusive Spartan MK IV (the best Halo fig ever produced, IMO) because he had the right look. Unlike other Spartan figs, he has a nice broad chest, broad shoulders, and great articulation.

When John posted his OP, mine was little more than a paint test-shot - a little slap of red & blue with no mods to the figure. I'd been waiting to find a head and just kinda forgot about him.

Well, now he's more or less done (until I find a better head.):


-- I was shooting some test pics of the WIP and saw Tripwire's robot in the corner of the frame and instantly knew I had to make a "Roller" for him. :D

So for how he fits into my 'verse: I wasn't sure at first whether to make him an alt-universe version or work him in with the actual TF verse. So I figured it this way - the Autobots managed to chase the Decepticons back to Cybertron (or wherever), save for a few small leftovers. The "real" Optimus, knowing that his allies on Earth would still need some support, downloaded a copy of his Spark into a smaller robot body (non-transformable, of course). That way, he could effectively be in two places at once - leading the fight against the Decepticons and still staying behind to help the Joes. He decided to use a smaller 'avatar' body so he could work better with humans and avoid any needless destruction due to his massive size. Or some "LASER BLAST" like that... :P

And I figure his name will just be "Optimus" - since he's not the "Prime" guy or anything. And "Optimus Minor" sounds a little demeaning ;)




Head is from an older Prime/Megatron 2-pack (one that came with a DVD) -- not 100% happy with the head, since the "mouth" is a little small, but it'll do for now.

I'm debating whether or not to make a Megatron - I did a quick mock-up using a craptacular Mk VI Scout body and the Meggy head from that same 2-pack, but I don't like how it's looking - might try to find an entirely different base figure. I might even just use another Mk IV and mod it slightly. We'll see what I find the next time I'm at Target.


Here what he looked like right before JFAK posted his custom - again, mainly just a test shot of the paint. But after seeing John's, I had to finish him :D


So thanks again, John!!

As always, critiques & suggestions are welcome.


EDIT: Screw Megatron - I'm totally making Grimlock next :D

Author:  Keenan [ Sun Jun 27, 2010 11:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ok - here's my version of Optimus Prime

Iron Monger for Grim Lock= winner.

I love this custom. The HALO body works perfectly, and I personally can't think of a better Prime head for the size.
Excellent work!! And I'm glad you finished him.

Author:  Iron Will [ Sun Jun 27, 2010 11:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ok - here's my version of Optimus Prime

Awesome work I really have an itch to try these now and curses to you for throwing Grimlock out as that was the one I was thinking of lol!!!

Author:  DarkJedi [ Sun Jun 27, 2010 11:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ok - here's my version of Optimus Prime

Chief wrote:
The "real" Optimus, knowing that his allies on Earth would still need some support, downloaded a copy of his Spark into a smaller robot body (non-transformable, of course). That way, he could effectively be in two places at once - leading the fight against the Decepticons and still staying behind to help the Joes. He decided to use a smaller 'avatar' body so he could work better with humans and avoid any needless destruction due to his massive size. Or some _____ like that... :P

I didn't see this the first time, but now I can wrap my head around how you were gonna work it out.

Any plans on making some former NEST troops?

Author:  Tanstoys [ Mon Jun 28, 2010 12:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ok - here's my version of Optimus Prime

pretty sweet Dan, you did a amazing prime as well. I love the paint apps and I do think the head works well too.Definately do a grimlock :-D

Author:  Shakka85 [ Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ok - here's my version of Optimus Prime

This is a big win for the Joe/Transformer crossover Universe! Great Job! Both yours and JFAK075's are excellent pieces! Keep up the good work...


Author:  gijoey [ Mon Jun 28, 2010 12:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ok - here's my version of Optimus Prime

He's so Pretty.
I want one bad.

Author:  Pugsley [ Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ok - here's my version of Optimus Prime

Looks awesome. I personally, like it better than JFAK's, even though his is quite nice as well.

I'm glad neither have lips!

Author:  ironblood [ Tue Jun 29, 2010 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ok - here's my version of Optimus Prime

It's pretty good I like the mini Roller as well how was that made? And Megatron looks great will you do a G1 fusion cannon? if you can attach a RoC spring loaded gun to his arm that might work as a fusion cannon.

Author:  lordnestor [ Tue Jun 29, 2010 5:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ok - here's my version of Optimus Prime

ironblood wrote:
And Megatron looks great will you do a G1 fusion cannon? if you can attach a RoC spring loaded gun to his arm that might work as a fusion cannon.

This is all I think TF movie Megs was missing! Love the custom, Great parts choise, and paint apps. I think the head works just fine myself. Only critique is that I would go with a rounder, blacker gun. But maybe I'm just partial to the old school Prime blaster, lol.

Author:  afsgtdoc [ Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ok - here's my version of Optimus Prime

Looks great, Chief. After seeing all these "Joe size" OP customs, I'm thinking I may have to give one a whirl now that I finally have the time to get back into customizing. Are these HALO figs currently out or are they older figs?


Author:  BadAsh [ Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ok - here's my version of Optimus Prime

Where's Prime's mouth? He's got a mouth in the movie......... :monocle:

Great work here. Seeing this almost makes me want to make something similar on my own. Maybe I'll do a Hot Rod. :twisted:

Author:  Vanishing Point [ Thu Jul 01, 2010 3:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ok - here's my version of Optimus Prime

The perfect Actionmaster, great job

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