Thanks for the kind comments & critiques everybody!
I agree with the assessment of Roque's eyes being on the large side, I was trying out that eye painting technique of starting with black, then white, and i got too much black... which meant too much white to cover it, and so on. I went off center with the first pupil, too -- so i just decided to have him looking off to the left, instead of straight on.... and for those of you familiar with the story, that turns out pretty apropos...
With all the washing and dull-coat, the scar over his eye doesn't pop like it originally did -- i might have to drag a red-der line down the center to bring some of that back.
mostly Roque was a boring-ly attired character -- and was a boring custom... i was pretty happy with the way he turned out, just from the simple fact that the custom has *some* character to it --
I'm satisfied with Jensen. that custom got parted out a half-dozen different ways, with the only two constants being the buzzer head (sans ponytail, used in upcoming custom) and the walrus man jacket. one hurdle i keep coming up against (trying to use the cc legs) is the left thigh piece. i've used the tiger force duke in this case, but it doesn't want to sit in the beach head socket very well. i also was going to use a button shirt for him (to be more true to the comic) but i didn't want a
Clay clone.
edit: also, thanks for ID'ing those arms -- they're the same ones I used for Clay, and couldn't remember where they came from then, either!