I was kinda worried when I read about the mods to Mayhem, but I have to say I really like the way it is now.
And by that I mean don't change another thing or I'll break your fingers-it looks that perfect.
I never was into MASK as a kid, but I was aware of the different vehicles back then.
After finding some MASK comics awhile back I got to learn a bit more about MASK and even got the Matt Trakker figure.
Now I can't help but wonder if there are other nuggets out there that I can learn from to have them fit in my universe.
Thanx for making the figure (and I'm serious about the breaking of da fingers)
As for Cobra Commander, the detail on the torso is great. The red is a bit bright for me because it looks like Destro's collar. Each member of the Cobra High Command has a certain color scheme (Zartan-purple, Serpentor-yellow, Major Bludd-brown, Baroness-black, etc).
The weird thing is I like the red along the bottom of the coat, but the top I don't. That's just me. Can anyone photoshop a tiny black stripe along the very edge of the collar?
I'd also like to see some of the detail of the mask done. There are four holes around the mouth that look odd-again maybe some black dots of paint there, even some around the eye/cheek section.
That's all I can think of...besides wondering what paints you used for Mayhem and Cobra Commander. Those blues are awesome.
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