thanks guys, I actually needed to make grunts eyes better but I didn;t, just made the head fit the neck ball.The head is one I got from Alyosha years ago and decided to use it for 25th figures, same with the spirit head, and Yes spirits has the baroness hair but it was a Aly head.When I dremelled it out to fit I did too much so I had to use the hotglue method to attach and it was a softer material so it actually made the head expand a little so looks kinda weird.
Gung ho head is trigate actually, I was gonna use the bazooka lower arms for him like the legs I got from Dan
but the arms wouldn't fit it actually ripped the plastic of the upper arms so I had to fix it and settle for the lower that's there, thanks for the cooments and glad you like them for the most part, waiting on the decal for GH 's tattoo