Deep within one of Many of Minbenders Labs..............A creation is born with an Artificial Brain and its only goal is to serve Cobra OverKill is Born!!
parts used:
Head Custom Cast from hunterartworks
Upper Torso IM Movie Whiplash
Mid-torso 25th Serpentor with added bits of belts and dremeled piece off of lower whiplash torso
Legs POC Duke modded with flex rex and 25th Bat holster an right leg piece
Arms Iron Man MU Modular Suit
modded arm with attachments vVv BAT right arm
gun built from fodder claw from 25th BAT
i was able to pop the arms off due to the fact the torso is one solid mold and a soft plastic and the Iron Man arms had small pegs and fit on and off perfect
the added arm i just wittled the arm peg down to do the same
background dio pieces:
Luke POTF Bacta Chamger
Custom Built Lab Table