Sci-Fi/Fantasy Customs
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Author:  Chief [ Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  Sci-Fi/Fantasy Customs

All right - last day of my gratuitous "look at me" custom showcase. I wanted to finish strong, but I think I may have come up a little short - I don't have nearly as many new customs in this category as I though I did when I started putting these threads together. So if this one peters out, I may end up showing off a bunch of dios or something later in the week to try and redeem myself.

Anyway, after I got bored with my Superheroes, I started making some fantasy-style customs. Wanted a bit of a Tolkien vibe with some, a Robert E. Howard vibe with others (the guy who wrote Conan). Never really got any of my concepts totally fleshed out, and I ended up giving up on most of the ideas because I was bored. Might revisit them at a later time, but for now, they're just hanging out.

Conan - had this guy in the works ever since the Sentry comic pack came out. originally had the Sentry head on him, but once I got a Doc Samson, I swapped heads because Samson's jaw was much stronger and more square. Although honestly, I'm not digging the Samson head that much either. Guess I need to search for a new one. And no, I won't be using any Arnold heads for Conan - because he sucked as Conan.



Yes, yes -- he should totally be wearing furry speedos and I completely ruined the character by making him wear pants -- I get it :roll: -- :P

Well, everyone needs pants once in a while ;-) :


Speaking of putting pants on everyone - this will REALLY piss off the fanboys:

Red Sonja:


Chain-mail bikinis are another form of idiotic never-touched-a-boob fanboy nonsense, IMO. Sonja is a super bad-ass and wouldn't wear something so stupid when kicking the "LASER BLAST" out of monsters & demons & barbaric douchebags. I almost dropped the chain-mail completely, but wanted something to make her recognizable. I may still go back and sand off her bra and give her a practical leather top later on. (Sorry guys, no removable top like Conan's :P )


Hardest part was actually making her big enough to look threatening next to Conan. Ended up taking the longest legs I could find (ROC Cover Girl), some muscled but not-too-manly arms (Anakin Skywalker) and elongating her torso in such a way so that she looked long & lean, but didn't have freaky proportions. Ideally, I wanted to use the MU Dark Phoenix head, as it had the scowl and wild hair that I wanted, but after "up-sizing" the body, the head was way too tiny. So I cannibalized "Lil' Chief's" Teela custom from the MOTU NJC -- (don't worry, I gave her a new head - you'll see in a minute) and was almost there. The Joker Squad head was big enough and had enough of an exotic look (though not the fierce badass scowl that I wanted), and all I needed was hair. Started out trying to sculpt an entire wild mane of hair on her, but it looked like nasty-ass red dreadlocks when I was done, so I ripped all that off, carved quite a bit off the head so it could fit with some Ms Marvel hair, and finally got it looking more or less how I wanted it.


Wolf Warrior:


This guy came about when trying to make a Lycan/Werewolf custom for my Monster Squad - took the head off a McFarlane Monsters figure that I got from JoeCzar, sculpted a neck and whatnot, then stuck it on a gray MLS Beast and fell in love with it. Decided to turn it into a wolf-warrior figure instead and just kept adding details until I ended up with a look that I liked. Not sure if he fits better in the Conan universe or with my next group of figures better:

Dragonslayer Team -



Started out as a Little John custom for a Robin Hood that I never made. Didn't know how to use him - so I named him "Beowulf" and called it good. Might mod him to be a D&D "Strongheart" character (the only one I had as a kid) -- Maybe I'll make a second one for that, though - since I like this one as-is. Never played D&D, and was only partly familiar with the toys (watched the hell out of the cartoon, though - maybe I should make some of those guys?)



Another one that I just sorta slapped together - mostly as a place holder. Probably need to sculpt a longer beard to make him more like whatever the D&D wizard's name was. This guy needs a name, though - I don't know, Carl? Carl's a cool name, right?



I don't know how many people remember my Goliath custom - initially he was supposed to be Goliath from Gargoyles who had been made half-human. But I think I like him with more of a Middle Earth feel, so I might just have to "Elseworlds" his ass...



From Dragonheart -- voiced by Sean Connery (which is fitting considering the Wizard in the group...) -- I've made some folded, alternate wings but they still need a lot of work & paint before they're ready. Draco is one of the last "good" dragons. Small, yet wise and honorable. He helps the heroes do battle against his evil cousins:


Ok - now for the Sci-Fi (it's not that much, honestly)

Tron - Thought the new movie was ok. Not awesome, but ok (then again, I wasn't a big fan of the original, either.) But despite how the movies turned out, I always did like the concept/character of Tron himself. And I was pretty disappointed in the lack of Tron in the new movie, so I set out to make my own. Using actual Spin Masters figs as a base was a no-go because they totally suck Donkey Balls. The only redeeming part of these figs were the ID discs, so I grabbed a Rinzler because he came with two of them and that's all I needed.


Managed to snag a K-Mart IM2 "Proving Grounds" 3-pack for $15 on Ebay, so I went to work modding "Tron Iron Man" into an actual Tron. Didn't take a lot of work - replaced the head with a movie Hulk Bruce Banner (Eric Bana) who looked enough like an old-school Bruce Boxlietner for my purposes, then started modding the chest emblem to look more Tron-y and less Iron-Man-y. Wish I could have been able to match the discs a little better, but they're good enough for me. My only problem with this figure is that the way the neck post is angled makes it hard to position the head. I may try some neck-post surgery later, but I have to be careful that I don't dick up the transparency -- I'll have to splice a hinged post inside the clear neck or something.

Anyway, the important thing is how bad-ass he looks when he's on Cortana's (Chick Tron's) lighted base:



But then I was left with a problem - how to use him in my 'verse. If I limit him to just being on "the grid", then I'd have to make an assload of customs for him to interact with. I decided that he'd somehow be a hybrid of Tron and Alan Bradley -- Alan contracted terminal cancer, so he went to the Grid and merged with Tron, allowing him to transit between both worlds - but he can only survive in the 'real world' for short periods of time. Still, he needed a bad guy, so I decided to make a CLU 3.0 -- evolved from CLU 2.0 in Legacy, this new one is completely corrupt and is looking to do more than just "make the perfect system." I snagged a different Holographic Iron Man fig (don't know if it's pre-prod or canceled or what) from China and went to work. Used a Wolvie:Origins head because I don't care if he looks like Jeff Bridges or not - this version has almost no trace of Kevin Flynn in him anyway. He's still a little too Iron-Manish, but I'll deal for now.


These guys fit in the old-school light-cycle just fine - I may end up picking up CLU's cycle and a 1-man jet later one when I have some ready $$$.

The next group is kind of a Sci-Fi/Fantasy mix, I guess (at least, that's how I use them) - you've seen most of them before.



Always had a problem with Skeletor as a concept -- yeah, I know: "magic" -- magic is why he can have a skull head and still be able to see, talk, etc. But it's just lame, and makes him seem like a joke. So I decided just to make him Keldor - evil wizard and enemy of my MOTU customs. I think he looks more sinister like this, anyway.




Never thought to make an Evil-Lyn custom, but I figured Keldor needed a #2 and Beast-Man was too much of a clod.

At first I was going to try and stick to a traditional look, but when I was scrounging parts, I realized I didn't want to waste good lady parts on a character I didn't care for that much ;-) -- I thought about either sanding down the "leathery" parts or just painting her a full body suit until I looked at it this way: I figure she's one of those typical evil chicks that thinks a little too highly of herself. Being the only female surrounded by lowlife thugs, I'm sure the views herself as "hotter" than she actually is (worked with quite a few gals with the same mindset) - so despite her leathery, yellowed, wrinkled skin, she still considers herself a "cougar" and dresses like someone 30 years younger.

That's my justification for being lazy, anyway ;-)

Also painted up a Screech to go along with my Zoar (both made from ML Falcon Redwing figures)



Then I've got a couple of vehicle WIPs -- still need a lot of work, but they're starting to take shape:


The Wind Raider is a Flash Gordon speeder that I got along with the Ming Throne (under $10 for both and it was a local pick-up = score!!) Still need to figure out what to do about putting the weird horse-head thingy on the hood. -- Not liking the wings, either. Might end up just scrapping the whole project. I would just grab an original Wind Raider and make it a 2-seater but it's too damn round & clunky-looking for my purposes.


The Battle-Ram I just chopped off the giant-ass "handlebars" and added the controls from a JvC mini-helicopter. Gave it an initial coat of paint, but still need to sand down the sculpt work on the controls and then hit it again. Still have a bunch of detail work to do, and I may try to make some replacement stickers for it, but I'm not sure if I want to go down that road yet.

Anyway, that's it for me -- thanks again for taking the time to drop by and look through all this crap. See you at next year's Custom Celebration! ;)

Author:  Keenan [ Sun Feb 20, 2011 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Customs

So much goodness all around. For me it's a toss up between Red Sonja and Beowulf for my favorite.
And I do hope to see some new customs from you before the next Celebration.

Author:  Mysterious Stranger [ Sun Feb 20, 2011 12:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Customs

No nipples on Conan? :cry:

Author:  TR101AL [ Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Customs

I don't think you came up short at all. Conan and Sonja are great. The Tron figure is waaaay better than the store version. The MOTU figures are perfect. But for me, Goliath is the bomb. That was incredible show with incredible characters, and you've certain done Goliath justice.

Author:  pluv [ Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Customs

Sonja came out looking fantastic. I read King Solomon's mines this month. There is a portion where one of them is stabbed with a spear several times in the chest and, just like Frodo Baggins, is saved by wearing chainmail armor over his torso. Chainmail bikini fanboyish? Yes but it still serves the same purpose.

Tron is amazing. When I saw your avatar I was wondering when we'd see that one.

Beowolf is a great use of that body. He just looks like a bad ass.

There is something off with Keldor's eyes. And did you really already find MU Falcon figures or did you sang them online?

The Wing Raider is gorgeous. Don't you dare use the original after showing that bad boy. Just find a cool head mount and call it done It fits so perfectly with your re-envisioning.

Author:  Mswi [ Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Customs

WOW! Speachless, a great batch of flawless customs, I gotta say Goliath is my favorite, use to love that show, anymore Gargoyles coming?

Author:  Chief [ Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Customs

Crap -- I meant Marvel Legends (ML) Redwing, not MU -- sorry for the confusion - fixed the original post. Got a couple of extras in trades and whatnot over the years (I know Yo-Joe-a-go-go sent me at least one if not two) -- the cool thing is that they're actually bigger than the MOTUC birds that are out now, so that works better for me anyway, despite the lack of armor.

MS - yeah, I forgot the nipples -- mainly because he's got his shirt on most of the time. I'll make sure to go back and add them when I touch-up his paint.

Pluv - I think the problem with Keldor's eyes is the lack of contrast between the irises and corneas (the pupils are nearly washed out by the flash, too it seems) -- looks fine on the shelf, but doesn't translate well on film, apparently. Maybe I'll tweak the colors and see how that works.

Also - I figured out what I'm hating so much about the Wind Raider -- the yellow. It's too bright and it looks wonky with the rest of the vehicle. I'm gonna try a nice muted terra-cotta orangey-brown and see how that works.

And yeah - I understand that Sonja's "LASER BLASTS" & cooch would totally be protected from injury with her official costume, but the 1/8th inch of mail covering her heart probably wouldn't help much. But, sure - who would want to go on living if they got stabbed in their sweet, sweet bazoom? ;-)

I just realized that I forgot to add a few more items to Sonja - mainly some leg straps (perhaps a knife) and some shoulder armor. I had a nice set of shoulder pieces before I had to settle on the MM hair, and now they won't fit without making her look like a hunchback.

Heretic - no plans for the other Gargoyles - I think it'd be too hard to try to make them faithful without looking too cartoony. Plus, finding parts would be a major pain. Although I would like to try making a Bronx someday so Goliath at least has a sidekick.

Thanks for the comments & input, guys!

Author:  ben1138 [ Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Customs

Ah, but you could make Gargoyles Bad Guys! MacBeth? Xanatos? The Pack, in several iterations? The Quarrymen? The Hunter? Owen Burnet/Preston Vogel? Eliza and Derek Maza? All of these are basically human, had fantastic designs, and can be easily re-purposed for your 'verse, I'm sure!

I LOVE Tron, very clever!

Author:  Greyryder [ Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Customs

Damn! Everything looks great. That's almost more awesome, than my browser can handle.

I'm not bothered that Sonja is wearing pants. I'm far more put off by the fact that she has no hips. I like 'em curvy. ;-)

Author:  Iron Will [ Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Customs

Great group of customs! But Tron is the hands down for me and Red Sonja is a close 2nd!! Consider Tron recipe copied!!

Author:  meddatron [ Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Customs

Man, I can't take my eyes off of all those wonderfull swords in these figures hands. Where did you acquire alot of them? They look to be spot on for the figure that is weilding them.

Also, The two biggest that jumped out at me are Beastman and Mum Ra the Ever Living... Both look excellent. Well everything looks excellent. I guess I am saying they are my favs.

Author:  Chief [ Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Customs

Thanks guys!

meddatron - Beast-Man is actually just a Happy Meal toy that I "dirtied" up. Mumm-Ra was made for a Thundercats NJC from a while back.

Sword-wise - I had to make the Conan sword out of some random 6"-scale dagger hilt with a Chap Mei ninja blade - not perfect, but works for now. Can't remember where Sonja's came from, but yeah, it definitely fits the character well. Beowulf's axe I believe is either Chap-Mei or from 200X Castle Grayskull. Wolf-guy's is the sword that came with the Cover Girl/Spirit/Hannibal comic pack, Goliath's is a trimmed-down Aragorn sword and I can't remember where the others came from. - I just have a big fodder box that says "blades" on it and it seems to collect new stuff without my knowledge sometimes :D

Author:  joemichaels70 [ Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Customs

*shakes head in amazement*

another round of greatness, o' Chief!

single standouts for me this round are Beowulf and Carl the Wizard, followed by Evil-Lyn -

that Beowulf could be released with these new Thor movie figs! Heck, it looks better than most of those Thor figs!
and the wizard looks production -- if you modded up the beard, it would do wonders to hide the source fig, but to be honest, even knowing the source fig, it's not overwhelming -

finally, that's one of the best uses for that golden compass head (Evil-Lyn) that I've seen so far --

well done, sir!

//so, is *that* all then? ;)

Author:  Plastic Yank [ Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Customs

pluv wrote:
Sonja came out looking fantastic. I read King Solomon's mines this month. There is a portion where one of them is stabbed with a spear several times in the chest and, just like Frodo Baggins, is saved by wearing chainmail armor over his torso. Chainmail bikini fanboyish? Yes but it still serves the same purpose.
Well, there are a few factors to take into account here. One is that a bikini made out of bits of metal (the Sonja from the comics always seemed to be wearing a bra and loincloth made out of coins, like Ginger Rogers in The Big Broadcast of 1938) is going to offer significantly less protection on the areas it does cover simply because, being strapped over a floppy pair of fleshy sacks by thin leather thongs, it's going to be much less likely to stay in place when struck a blow than a 40-50 pound maille hauberk completely covering the body from the shoulders down to the waist or knees (the other factor is that Frodo's mithril shirt is explicitly nigh-on indestructible, and made of rings of such a small gauge that it's comparable to fabric and thus effectively impervious to puncture).

As for Chief's custom herself though, I rather like the design (though I don't think the leather top mentioned would go amiss either). It seems much closer in spirit to Robert Howard's original character, the Turk-fighting Ukrainian woman, Red Sonya of Rogatino, than anything the comics have done. My one, somewhat perfunctory criticism would be that, if anything, the figure might be a little too tall, if the comparison shot with the MU and G.I Joe female figures is anything to go by, since those are fairly Amazonian in stature to begin with.

Concerning the rest, they're all uniformly impressive, but I think the two I like best are Beowulf, because I am, for some reason, irrationally pleased by the sheer cleverness of using the John Forge head on the MU Thor body, and the wolfman, who reminds me of the wolf guy from the old Remco Warlord/Warrior Beasts toyline.

Author:  drbindy [ Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Customs

hey Chief, I love everything in here. Tron guy of the sci-fi stuff is cool, but I absolutely love every one of those fantasy customs. Don't change a thing on Beowulf either. One of the best simple customs I've ever seen. Inspired actually. And I really hope the urge strikes you to get back to your planned fantasy projects also, they are that good.

Conan and Sonja rock too. All of them though. Not even fair to single any out.

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