drbindy wrote:
Nice looking figure. The head is my favorite part. Is that Loki?
Good eye, yes it is. Thanks again as always for the feedback guys. I know Superboy runs a wide range of muscle build, but I'm always a fan of the bulkier look on superheroes. That was my reasoning for the bnb upper body. I know it comes out pretty ripped, but he still appears smaller next to my Superman fig scale-wise. Its something I'm definately open to revisiting down the line if I find a slightly smaller scale upper body that I like better. As for Smallville, yes he was on this weeks episode. It was my personal favorite episode of the season. I really loved the way they handled the character...spinoff anyone? He's been getting a real boost in tv and comics lately and I think its great. Conner is a character that has grown tremendously since the 90's as a character imo. I have to agree Teen Titans just wasn't the same without him. Thanks again all.
Head: Loki (movie fig)
Upper torso: Bnb
Lower body: Thor (movie fig)
Belt: DCIH Bizarro