"Miss Swan's Regret"Stolen from the "Tortuga's Raiders" flagship, the "Black Pearl", the repulsorlift gunship now dubbed "Miss Swan's Regret" was Captain Jak Sparrow's personal attack craft during his time as pirate lord of his former fleet. Now it serves as his only means of transport and his only hope of evading the vengeful Captian Ioz, currently in command of the Pearl and it's fleet. Sparrow, with his first mate (and most loyal friend) Abascus Gibbs, sail the 23 seas of Aquos in search of a new crew, a means of regaining his command of the Tortugas Raiders, and of course- more rum!
"Miss Swan's regret" is armed with four foreward-facing fire-linked blasters, two double load concussion missile launchers, and a multi-directional triblaster turret, It also sports two high performance engines to provide propulsion and a sometimes faulty repulsorlift unit which requires frequent repairs.
Along the rear wall of the pilot's station is a weapons rack containing an electrostaff, a battered shield and a long range rifle. There is additional storage under a grate in the center of the main deck, but it usually contains nothing but rum bottles (most of them emptied by Captain Sparrow).
"Miss Swan's Regret"Detail shots:
"Miss Swan's Regret" written in Aurebesch.
Abascus GibbsAction shots:
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