Lady Jaye Diver
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Author:  husker85 [ Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Lady Jaye Diver

I've been working on a lot of customs that center around my Flagg. Figures like pilots, crew and divers. Well not too long ago Turner posted his Sunbow dive team and included a link to a Lady Jaye in an episode where she was doing some dive operations and I thought how cool, I totally forgot about that episode, and how neat it would be to add her to the already small team I have built which consists of the basics. Torpedo, Wet Suit, Scarlett, and a guy I call Skipjack. Anyway, being an o-ringer, the hardest part was modifying the waist to look half way decent with the WOW bare legs. The rest was just some sanding and painting.
2006 Comic Pack Lady Jaye Head and lower arms (modified wrist ware to conceal the gloves)
Comic pack Scarlett Torso (green stuff for zipper)
A Corp frog man upper arms, dive gear and belt bashed onto waist
WOW leg set
Zarana waist sanded

This was a quick one and my semi-gloss was giving me trouble, but I hope I haven't disappointed.

Lady Jaye Wet Suit.jpg
Lady Jaye Wet Suit.jpg [ 55.14 KiB | Viewed 430 times ]

Author:  Keenan [ Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lady Jaye Diver

That works really well. Nice.

Author:  pluv [ Fri Jun 24, 2011 12:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lady Jaye Diver

The blue wetsuit made me realize that wouldn't be a bad Mara recipe either.

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