Here are a couple new custom figures I have completed. First up is a character who I call Nomad.
Bio: Nomad is an enigma to the GI Joe Team and Cobra alike. He appears out of no where, fighting against Cobra forces, but doesn't side with the Joes. He shoots first, shoots straight, and doesn't stick around for Q & A sessions afterwards.
Major Bludd recently reported to Cobra Commander that a number of Cobra Desert Vipers went missing while on a mission, and that during their last transmission, they reported one of their teammates wasn't who he appeared to be, so they were keeping an eye on him... They haven't been heard from since, and are considered MIA. On a side note: it is rumored that Nomad has used gear stripped from these Desert Vipers in his skirmishes with Cobra forces.
Dusty says, "One thing that is certain about Nomad is that he's a fearless fighter, one who is confident in himself, which makes him dangerous to anyone going against him. And I don't think it's arrogance, he just seems to know he's good at it."