WIPs...I've been Casting.
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Author:  nova [ Mon Aug 22, 2011 7:33 pm ]
Post subject:  WIPs...I've been Casting.

Sorry for the White Resin, some of these are the 1st pulls from new molds and I didn't want to dye the resin on my 1st try... I'll update with other pics later if needed.

I'll start with a pretty simple item... One I'm always in need of and it's really too expensive to use in a custom...even the Armor Tech Destro helmet can be hard to find.

Shows just a small bit of flash at the fill spout...I just need to trim it better.
Image ... G_8634.jpg

Next up is a Modified BAT head...This one is going to be a Specialty Crossover...a Night Viper/BAT.

Image ... G_8638.jpg ... G_8639.jpg

Last one is an item I'm really excited about, but really disappointed in. The initial idea for this part came up in Conversation with Kevin Watts on the Drive to the 2009 KC Joe Con.

Image ... G_8620.jpg ... G_8621.jpg

It's designed to be a Back Pack/Modifier for the Snake Armor.

To make "Trouble Armor" aka "Flight Snakes"
Image ... G_8626.jpg ... G_8627.jpg

It still allows full arm movement

And will work with parts from either Vintage or Modern Snake and Trouble Bubbles

I'm going to have to re-work this part, it's just too hard to pop on and off and too thin in some spots...but having castings of my prototype makes it much easier to work with.

Your thoughts, comments, and critiques are always welcome.

Author:  chaosx [ Mon Aug 22, 2011 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WIPs...I've been Casting.

That's some interesting stuff there. I have always wanted to case but it seems like a hassle. Can't wait to see it all painted up

Author:  momaw nadon [ Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WIPs...I've been Casting.

Some really great concepts here. I like the Night-BAT idea, even know it seems a little odd for a robot to need night vision when you could house different optical units within the head itself.

Also a suggestion on that flight-pack for your SNAKE, maybe if you made it where the Flight-Pod engines were in closer to the body, I think would look better. I bet it is back heavy too, so that might help even out the weight some too. I applaud your efforts on not modifying the SNAKE to make it work. Though if you can't make it feasible, you can always just mold it on the the back of one and cast it in one piece. Something like a replacement back section over an add on piece.

momaw nadon

Author:  Asphalt [ Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WIPs...I've been Casting.

Nice work, it looks like you have some residual debris in your molds. I recomend going over your pieces with a stiff bristly toothbrush before you mold them. That will help with keeping the mold clean from the start.

Author:  bgddyphil [ Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WIPs...I've been Casting.

as far as the snake armor backpack jetpack goes, could you hinge it around the arm holes? or make the front of the arm holes one piece and the back pack another and have it go together in a pin and hole manner like the armor itself does?

Author:  pluv [ Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WIPs...I've been Casting.

I'm really liking where you're going with the SNAKE backpack. Can't wait to see how you fix it, but sign me up when you do.

Author:  DarkJedi [ Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WIPs...I've been Casting.

momaw nadon wrote:
Also a suggestion on that flight-pack for your SNAKE, maybe if you made it where the Flight-Pod engines were in closer to the body, I think would look better. I bet it is back heavy too, so that might help even out the weight some too. I applaud your efforts on not modifying the SNAKE to make it work. Though if you can't make it feasible, you can always just mold it on the the back of one and cast it in one piece. Something like a replacement back section over an add on piece.

momaw nadon

I've been staring at the pics for ten minutes now before reading any of the posts on here.

What I was gonna suggest was already suggested.

Author:  Mysterious Stranger [ Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WIPs...I've been Casting.

As has been mentioned, I'd look at sculpting the backpack attachment to the actual back of the SNAKE armor. I'd say modify the back piece to accept the flight pod engines but if you're going to do that you might as well enhance it with some additional sculpting. If you can find a way to mold the removable piece you have onto the SNAKE back piece I think you'll have a winning combination.

Author:  Spin Doctor [ Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WIPs...I've been Casting.

Really nice work!

That Night-B.A.T. head is great.

Author:  nova [ Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WIPs...I've been Casting.

Since you didn't ask for them, Here's More pics of the BAT head...had a bit of wonkyness on the visor...but this head was just using up excess resin so not a big deal.

Image ... G_8663.jpg ... G_8664.jpg ... G_8666.jpg

Next is just a sneak peak. I cast the whole lower leg, but didn't fill the mold on one side...not a big deal as the important parts were reproduced.


I finished slapping this one together...I really wanted to see how the face would look painted up and behind the "glass"

Image ... G_8651.jpg ... G_8654.jpg ... G_8655.jpg

I'm pretty happy with the face, but the Bubble and body leave me wanting...I'm sure I'll do more with this head somewhere else.

In case you're curious, this was a Deep Six head loaned to me by a friend. I believe it's a Mexican Bootleg, or Overstock/QC hold back. I just loved the idea of catching Deep Six at the moment of Explosive Decompression.
Image ... G_8658.jpg

Author:  nova [ Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WIPs...I've been Casting.

momaw nadon wrote:
Some really great concepts here. I like the Night-BAT idea, even know it seems a little odd for a robot to need night vision when you could house different optical units within the head itself.

Also a suggestion on that flight-pack for your SNAKE, maybe if you made it where the Flight-Pod engines were in closer to the body, I think would look better. I bet it is back heavy too, so that might help even out the weight some too. I applaud your efforts on not modifying the SNAKE to make it work. Though if you can't make it feasible, you can always just mold it on the the back of one and cast it in one piece. Something like a replacement back section over an add on piece.

momaw nadon

My thoughts on the Night Bat, is why spend the R&D money shrinking and fitting night optics into the Bat's head when it's just as easy to bolt on the Existing Night Viper getup....It's Cobra after-all.

Bringing the Engines closer to the Back is one of the changes I want to make...especially when using Modern Flight Pod Engines...they stick out quite a bit.

bgddyphil wrote:
as far as the snake armor backpack jetpack goes, could you hinge it around the arm holes? or make the front of the arm holes one piece and the back pack another and have it go together in a pin and hole manner like the armor itself does?

That's similar to what I'm thinking. I'm betting I'll have to end up with 3 pieces, the 2 Arm "straps" and the Backpack...Figuring you can snap the backpack on, then clip on the arm straps on either side to hold the whole thing on. It'll also give me a chance to add a bit of tech detail and beef up some thin/weak places.

Mysterious Stranger wrote:
As has been mentioned, I'd look at sculpting the backpack attachment to the actual back of the SNAKE armor. I'd say modify the back piece to accept the flight pod engines but if you're going to do that you might as well enhance it with some additional sculpting. If you can find a way to mold the removable piece you have onto the SNAKE back piece I think you'll have a winning combination.

I'd considered Doing just that...Modding the Back section of Armor to accept the flight pod engines...but worried about wanting to color match the parts... I think it'd look Bad if the Back half of a Snake torso dosn't match the front half. By keeping the Modifier seperate, I can use unaltered SNAKEs and if It's not an exact match I think it'll still look OK.

Author:  headandhand [ Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WIPs...I've been Casting.

The BAT head is Indeed quite cool, and I especially dig that Deep Six.

Excellent stuff.

Author:  Tsunami [ Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WIPs...I've been Casting.

Awesome, Awesome stuff.
The flight pack on the Snake is very cool, as is the BAT head.
Thanks for sharing.
Got any extras of the Secto viper bubble?

Author:  joemichaels70 [ Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WIPs...I've been Casting.

that flight pod snake is fantastic -- when you get that engineered, sign me up as well!

that deep six thing is gross. well done!

Author:  Matthew [ Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WIPs...I've been Casting.

I always like your ideas, so seeing casting ideas is great. The Night-BAT looks solid, as does the SNAKE Jet Pack. I agree about the Destro helmet. For figures (Armor Tech) that are easy to get, that helmet sure isn't.

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