Headandhand's Crypt Files... Angel Video
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Author:  headandhand [ Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Headandhand's Crypt Files... Angel Video

Headandhand's Crypt Files


The Crypt Files are characters/figures/etc. which belonged to previous themes that I had worked on prior to beginning FS:2o5o, or such that have been scrapped, drastically altered and/or entirely revised.

For this initial post, I'd like to share a character from my first theme, Darkness. Actually, this character had been one of the biker vampire hunters called Kingdom Come. His name was Angel.

This is a stop-motion animation video featuring the song "My Wave" by Soundgarden. I hope you will all enjoy.

Thanks for viewing, and comments are always welcome.


This was put together about 5 years ago. I have since learned how to correctly spell "inseparable". LOL.

Keep an eye out for future Crypt Files, and thanks again!

Author:  JBYRDD [ Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headandhand's Crypt Files...

That was very entertaining and informative, excellent work on that video.

Author:  headandhand [ Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headandhand's Crypt Files...

LOL, thanks, J. My technical abilities at the time were nil. :)

Author:  drbindy [ Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Headandhand's Crypt Files...

Haven't been able to click on this yet (at work), but this sounds familiar - is this one of the vids you used to have on My Space? I remember being wowed by it then, so I doubt that has changed. But I'll still give it another peek at home.

Author:  headandhand [ Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headandhand's Crypt Files...

Brother D- no, you have never seen this one. I had assembled it within that same time period, or shortly after, but never posted it anywhere.

Angel had actually been from a generation of figures that came after those videos which you had mentioned, but well before anything in my current culture of FS:2o5o.

It is worth looking at, I would think - with some animated nunchucks and knife kata... :)

You'll see a zombie meet its doom...

And in the end, he gets a gal...

(All in the span of the song, of course)

It's quite silly, really, but hopefully somewhat entertaining.


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