Just finished these up over the weekend. I finally have a Commander that does not look like a scrawny wimp. Leatherneck is one half of a battle set that I am working on...can you guess what battle scene?
Head- Black outfit Resolute Cobra Commander
Torso- Crimson Guard
Lower Legs- ROC Destro
Forearms- Black outfit Resolute CC
Cape and sword belt- Comic Pack Cobra Commander (I modified the scabbard to hang lower)
Gun- Cobra Viper
Sword- Handle from cobra head knife and blade from ROC SS sword
Snake thingy with red gem-??? found in fodder lot
Head- Gun Ho
Torso- ROC Zartan disguised
Upper arms- Unkown GI Joe figure
Lower arms- Flint ??
Upper legs- Gung Ho with Snake Eyes knife sheath
Lower legs- Pit Commando
Vest- Mutt
Gun- Found in fodder lot, sling made from masking tape
Flail- made from Desert Striker mine, Snake Eyes tri-nunchuk and chain
Shield- unknown source
Backpack- Sgt Airborne