Thanks for the comments and suggestions all, as ever.
Boulder's head is from SDS. I believe it was meant to be for Tunnel Rat. Digger's head is indeed a slightly modded Wolverine, and Justice's is Anderson Silva from UFC. I just had to paint the hair. The original Justice had more of a sneer, but I think anything that shows teeth is close enough.
Scramble wrote:
Sgt. Boulder
Between colour pallet, specialty, and ethnicity, he does still suffer being too close to Alpine to warrant his own character. Not your fault, but given that you repurposed other characters and specialties, if you could find some way to distinguish him from Alpine more or tie them together as a climbing team, it would help justify Boulder's existence.
Lt. Stone
On the flipside, I think Lt. Stone was the best figure to come out of Sigma 6. You took some liberties here, mostly the tunic instead of the standard Sigma suit, but I think they work. Love the Winter Wolf arm as his robotic arm, although I do miss some reference to the translucent green areas. I think the eyepatch needs some adjustment so it doesn't look like an off-centre black monacle, and the right arm looks a bit too much like an arm painted black and not enough like a sleeve. I like this one a lot, but it only feels 90% there.
Another Sigma 6 figure that I found very lacking. You've injected him with a lot of personality. He's still a lot like Hit 'n Run, though, but the sword and thousand yard stare gives him a darker personality.
Like the original figure, there is a lot more going on with the face camo than his uniform, and that is distracting. Maybe if the shoulder pads and holster on his webgear were painted brown to match it would better triangulate the colours.
Extreme Lt. Stone
I think you're being a bit hard on yourself, although I'm less familiar with Extreme Lt Stone. Am I wrong to remember Extreme Lt. Stone in a beret and grey fatigues? In any case, I think you've made an amazing Col. Hawk custom if you want to go that route.
Thanks for the insightful comments, Scramble. Regarding Boulder, I just imagine him as a subordinate soldier in Alpine's Mountain Recon team. I like a large Joe team, in terms of sheer numbers, so I don't mind having guys with similar specialties.
Regarding Sigma Stone, I agree that I need to take another crack at the eye patch. Any suggestions on how to do either a classic patch or cyborg eye piece and not have it sit so low on the face are welcome.
For Leopardo, I think I actually will save that code name for yet another Recondo riff. The creepy eyes on this fig have me thinking something sort of cheeky like Peeper or Peeping Thomas.
And as for Extreme Stone, the originally Hasbro figure looked pretty much like this, but with orange skin and a flatter head. I'm going more off the animated/comic look. You guys seem to like him more than I do so maybe I'll leave him be. He does look OK in person. One of the funny, nerve wracking side effects of posting these bright, full pictures of customs is that I start second guessing work I've been happy with for months.
DarkJedi wrote:
As for you Recondo question, there is a character named Digger that resembles Recondo.
Yep, that's where I got the idea. I love including as much of the ephemeral stuff as I can.
Mainframe wrote:
Digger - easily my favorite among the customs. hope you don't mind me copying this one sometime soon in the future...
Go for it!
MobileBattleBunker wrote:
Justice: It actually hit me as a POC Static Line as IDK much about the BBs
The Question: Was Digger Action Force or GI Joe?
Yeah, I reminded myself of Static Line while I was painting Justice. I'll have to use that same shade of blue when I get around to making him.
I'm using Digger as an Australian attached to the Joes.