First up is Zack n Zoe, from Dreadnoks Declassified.
Long before they discovered their lost brother was the leader of an outlaw biker gang in Australia. Before they even knew the name Dreadnok. Two orphans ran the back alleys of London's underground. Born in the Louisiana bayou region, Zack and Zoe moved from foster home to foster home after their parents were killed. Their older brother ran away from the orphanage that first took them three orphans. While living in London, at one of the many foster families, Zoe tried to find their older brother. These two orphans would later be known as Zandar and Zaranna.
Zoe (aka Zaranna)
head: Padme Amidalla modified with epoxy
body- MU X-23
arms- SW Juno Eclipse
upper legs- MU Black Widow
lower legs- MU X-23
Dog collar- Junkyard leash
Jacket- Mutt Williams- shoulder pads from Chap Mei scuba tank (?)
bracelets- Prince of Persia Dastan
Gen-X patch- masking tape n paint
Skirt- hand made from black n white ribbon (colored with red marker and hand sewn (yes I sew)
Stockings- random mesh
buttons- random plastic pieces
Zack (aka Zandar)
head-25th Duke, epoxy hair
torso- GI joe 25th green shirt
upper legs- 25th Nemesis Immortal
lower legs- 25th Bazooka ( dremeled)
belts- random fodder
British flag-masking tape and paint
cigarette- masking tape, paint and cotton
bracelets- Junkyard leash
This is not based on any film or comic image, just my own creation
head- Onyx Phoenix cast
body- Black outfit Spiderman
right hand- MU Luke Cage
feet- 25th Cobra Snow Serpent modified
Chest piece- original Zartan chest armor split and spliced
shoulder gun- gun received from Specter, hings made from Cutter hook weapon, screw and epoxy (gun moves)
forearm armor- Wraith with random pieces (blades from Undertow weapon)
leg armor- Spy Troops Cobra armor
body mesh- Shower puffy thing
retractable spear- several small straws coated with epoxy
disc weapon- lego piece
Alien head trophy- received from Spectre
Queen Alien- from Aliens playset (1990s)
repainted with metallic silver and black and coated with gloss sealer for shine