I stumbled backwards into these figs, having only gotten into MegaBloks figs from a desire to fab up a Rocket Racoon fig. As that idea went in other directions, I picked up more of the MB stuff from both the Dragons and HALO lines, and scrambled up a few of the earlier 'Mechs' line, or whatever it was called.
But, having done a Rocket and prefering it over the official MU fig, I started fiddling with the MU fig and ended up here with 5 HALO figs with animal heads on them, being called Battle Beasts.
I don't recall which all figs the bodies use, but the squirrel and cat heads and bits are from the GL B'dg and Dex-Starr figs, while the pig and frog are from Schleich statues. The clear Elite fig I chanced into, and simply put him aside as a curiosity when I remembered one of the PopCo Harry Potter figs I picked up from Dark Horse had a spectral otter accessory going useless.
These aren't finished, but I figured there'll be sales on the MB stuff soon, if only because they lose the Marvel license with the new year. Perhaps some of you guys would like to copy this idea and would prefer I not wait another 6 months to finish them and their chariot mecha-beasts (!).
Battle Beasts 01.JPG [ 129.11 KiB | Viewed 636 times ]
Battle Beasts 02.JPG [ 135.39 KiB | Viewed 636 times ]