Here's my CCII Challenge figure...
SHIPWRECK: Brown-Water Navy Patrol Boat Crewman
I promised Beav a Shipwreck custom quite a while back (it might have been during the last CC), and I wanted to do something different with the character. Since he's got a couple of excellent figures capturing the navy-uniform look (the 85 and 25A figures), and the Devil's Due version has been customized pretty thoroughly, I had to start exploring other options. Until I took another look at his filecard, I had forgotten that it mentioned his time in Vietnam. I loved the idea of a 'Nam-era Shipwreck, and I had been planning to make one forever; the CCII challenge gave me the perfect kick in the ass I needed to get started on him.
Head: Flint 91 (heavily modified)
Chest: Recondo 84 (modified)
Arms: Rock'N'Roll 89 (modified) w/ BBI hands
Waist: Skystriker 88 (modified)
Right Thigh: Bazooka 85
Left Thigh: Low-Light 86 (modified)
Lower Legs: Repeater 88
Boots: BBI
Shotgun: Marauder, Inc.
Pistol: Marauder, Inc.
Knife: Marauder, Inc.
Okay, here we go with the construction details (since I didn't do the best job of photo documentation on this guy).
Head: I cut off the top of the Flint head and replaced it with the bandanna from an 87 Tunnel Rat. I also sculpted on a beard and hair using epoxy putty.
Chest: I sanded the holster off of the Recondo chest and replaced it with a working holster from a Chap Mei figure. It's a little large for my tastes, but it fits the pistol and I had it on hand, so there you go. I sculpted on a new pocket, as well. The neck area had to be hollowed out to accommodate the Flint head (which, now that I think about it, I probably should have taken a picture of).
Arms: The Rock'N'Roll arms were a little too muscular, so I sanded down the biceps and tried to reduce the bulk a little bit. I also cut off the hands and replaced them with BBI hands for two reasons: to give him swivel wrists, and to allow him to hold the weapons more realistically.
Waist: I sanded down the front of the Skystriker belts and glued on the belt buckles from an 86 Hawk and an 85 Shipwreck. I also sanded out a groove on the side of the waist and glued a modified holster from a Star Wars figure (the Endor Rebel Soldier) into it. I also added a couple of BBI pouches.
Legs: I sanded off the little holster/sheath thing on Low-Light's thigh and replaced it with a sanded-down sheath from the SpyTroops Dart figure (I also had to sand down the Marauder knife to be able to fit it into the sheath). I also sanded down the Bazooka thigh to make it match the Low-Light thigh more closely. I cut off the Repeater boots, glued a BBI boot post into a hole I drilled in the lower legs, and then snapped on the BBI boots. They retained their movement and fit very snugly.
And, now, for the main event: Shipwreck!
Fully geared-up:
The famous Shipwreck back porch:
A closer look at the head:
"You mean to tell me I'm based on that creepy old man at the Lakers games?!?!"
Fighting a river pirate:
There you have it. Questions? Comments? I'd love to hear 'em.