Transmission from Professor H. Johnz, Exoarchaeologist to Joh Kolton, Leader Of The Adventure Team:
Rumors surrounding the doomsday Cult Of Cthulhu go back thousands of years to pre-Old Republic times. Most modern scholars believe that Cthulhu is nothing but a legend, but others, particularly those studying the Force and it's impact on galactic history disagree.They believe that the power of Cthulhu is deeply rooted in what would become known as the "dark side" or even the Sith teachings, but predates both concepts by tens of thousands of years.
The basic premise is this:
Cthulhu, one of the "Old Ones", existed long before any species now existing gained sentience and his starspawned ilk dominated the universe for time untold. Eventually, their society and their power waned and Cthulhu took up residence in his massive city R'lyeh, which sunk beneath the waves. No one is sure just exactly which planet R'lyeh exists on, or even that it exist on any one planet in any one galaxy. Some theories suggest that R'lyeh either exists across multiple points in space and time simultaneously or that it periodically shifts location by some yet unknown, possibly mystical, means.
The Cult Of Cthulhu seeks to find R'lyeh and awaken the sleeping God. They are believed to have cells on just about any planet with a sizable body of water on it but are supposedly focusing on planets that are more or less covered with water such as Mon Calamari, Dak and Aquos.They hope to awaken Cthulhu with incantations from a tome known as the "Necronomicon". The Necronomicon is an arcane text older than any known book in the galaxy and is said to be bound in flesh and written in blood. No one knows how many copies exist or if the book even truly exists at all, but it is known that the Emperor was searching for a copy shortly before his demise over Endor.
The cult is noted for chanting its horrid phrase or ritual: "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn", which translates as "In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming." This is often shortened to "Cthulhu fhtagn", which might possibly mean "Cthulhu waits", "Cthulhu dreams", or "Cthulhu waits dreaming."
The Cult's activcities have increased in the years following the death of Emperor Palpatine, it is feared that they may have found the location of R'lyeh and plan on carrying out their dark plans. That is why If the Cult ever succeeds in waking the Old Ones, the Galaxy as we know it will be doomed...
Worshiper Of CthulhuI made 6 of them (so far) for this project:
Acolyte Of CthulhuI made 6 of them for this project:
High Priests Of CthulhuI made 4 of them for this project:
Keepers Of The NecronomiconI made 3 of them for this project:
Prophet Of CthulhuNecronomicon And DiasTo show just how small the Necronomicon is:
An Immature ShoggothSize comparison:
Summoning The Starspawned!
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