SIGMA Plague Incision, Infared and Interrogator
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Author:  Vanishing Point [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  SIGMA Plague Incision, Infared and Interrogator


As an excommunicated Night Creeper, still hunted for whatever transgretion he commited to be removed from their leadership, Alph has still manages to make his presence known nomatter where he goes. He is also is wanted by the Arashikage clan members for his desicration of the tomb that contained Ophelia... Hisonly commentwas that "How else could I get "Phoenix Master's" attention, cutting to his emotions is always more effective than his pride." Guillotine told him he would cut his fingers off if he ever use his fingers to quote something again. As it would seem according to Cobra intell, Incision has bountys for his head from over a dozenninja clans including the Koga clan that produced Firefly, the Black Dragon syndicate and even from the Red Ninja clan from when it was under control of Sei-Tin. Every chance he gets he is talking, every syllabel is barbed with intent to throw off his opponent, nothing is sacred or off limits to his vile mind. To him operating in The Plague unit allows him the safety in numbers that will keep most of his enemies at bay. Blackout often expresses his concearn on how long until his usefullness is outweighed by his threat or aggrivation.

incision.jpg [ 214.85 KiB | Viewed 619 times ]

Author:  Vanishing Point [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Plague effects upon Intellect Influence and Instincts

StormShadow v1torso & arms
stormshadow v2 head sculptedonvisor + AT Snakeeyes hood
Flamer Kamakura lower legsandfeet
armor over abs is one of v1cobra commander's skirt plates
back armor and sheath is the backskirtplate from v1 cc
Zartan belt
firefly smg
kk chain and sword

the reverse Nightcreeper camo was inspired by this night creeper leader by Meddatron

I see him not as crazy random threats but just constant beration like Portman in the movie DOOM

Author:  Vanishing Point [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Plague effects upon Intellect Influence and Instincts

Infared is simply the best that Cobra has to offer, he served with the utmost dedication since the very begining. He trained under Vance Wingfield in Springfield. He was among the first Crimson Guards, right along side Xamot and Tomax, before they where named the Crimson Guard commanders. He was orginally selected for the Fred unit. However, never underwent the plastic surgery, Cobra Commander felt it would be counterproductive considering his high profile real world identity. A secret so vital that his Crimson Guard uniforms have always been the prototypes for the commander's own concealment. He served as part of the special weapons and tactics detachment of the Crimson Guards, The Immortals. Instructed by the brazillian agent Cobra Mortal for a time when Xamot and Tomax where away from Cobra to focus on EE he was named Crimson Guard Commander, he did not take a codename at that time. Among the plauge he operates significantly differently that most would expect, when the team was assembled he pulled Scalpel out of the helecopter, kicked him in the face and left him on the tarmac. He turned to the unit and told them he would be their medic "Scalpel will just get one of us killed". He constantly checks on Bayonette's life support unit and has even managed to streamline it somewhat as well as armor it with what he could procure in his off time. He also provides some unknown injection to Grimskull periodically as well as manages a coctail of antipsychotics for Meltdown.

infared.jpg [ 136.51 KiB | Viewed 605 times ]

Author:  Vanishing Point [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Plague effects upon Intellect Influence and Instincts


torso arms and hands are from temple tracker spirit
arctic Duke vest dyed then painted
head is from one of the custom cast sites that is gone... sorry I don't remember which one
lower legs and feet are from battlefield cobracommander
spirit knife
skybat rifle with on brace cut away so he could hold it and desert long range revolver

Author:  Vanishing Point [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Plague effects upon Intellect Influence and Instincts

The Interrogator:

For a very long time he has existed in almost the same manner of nonexistance as the Joe team's Claymore. He served as the primary lab assistant to both Dr. Monev an Dr. Apple. He was the televiper that provided the research to Destro and Mindbender that lead to the creation of Serpentor. He was present when Cobra Commander sabotaged the first attempt and resulted in the destruction of the dna samples of Sgt Slaughter and Sun Tzu. He was the one that took it upon himself to take dna from the body of Stormshadow as well as from himself for the second attept as well as paying off Scrap Iron to prevent any further tampering. His proclivity to high science comes from his life prior to Cobra. For a man known for extracting information he has made it quite clear thare are worse things in store for those that try to delve into his past. His methods are meticulous and every word and motion are planned. During the occupation of New York almost on instict he saved a young boy and dog from getting caught under the treds of a HISS he told the boy "you and Bandit better get somewhere safe" the HISS driver and gunner both yelled out in confusion just before he gunned them down for witnessing an echo of his past.

interrogator.jpg [ 117.05 KiB | Viewed 601 times ]

Author:  Vanishing Point [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Plague effects upon Intellect Influence and Instincts


bottom half of Battlefield cobra commander helmet + top half of inferno helmet
torso lower arms and left hand are from samurai snakeeyes
lower legs from lt stone
vest from arctic snakeeyes
pants from bolo stormshadow
belt holsters and pistols from duke v1
head from arctic duke rescuplted hair
cross belt is from marvel legends legendary rivals two pack redskull

yes I just implied that Interrogator is Race Bannon

here is the I team shot

3is.jpg [ 193.42 KiB | Viewed 601 times ]

Author:  Mysterious Stranger [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Plague effects upon Intellect Influence and Instincts

That CG head is from GTG/Tri-Gate. I got one of the prototypes that I used on my Sigma 6 Crimson Guard. Glad you got one to use here.

Author:  Vanishing Point [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Plague effects upon Intellect Influence and Instincts

thanks, I was hoping to get a few of their other oversize casts but over half of my parts places are gone

Author:  Scramble [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SIGMA Plague Incision, Infared and Interrogator

These just keep getting better. Interrogator in particular is flawless.

Author:  Vanishing Point [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SIGMA Plague Incision, Infared and Interrogator

Vector, Vanguard, Velocity, Vulture (skycreeper)
Munitia, Meltdown (heatviper) Miasma (toxoviper)
Ripit, Ricochet (alleyviper), Redline (Coil motorcyclist)

my idea for Vanguard is a POW forced to fight or die ala Battle Royale collar
I'm still trying to figure out a version of Vector's helmet
Velocity is almost done planning
Vulture is going to be a merging of the skycreeper and night vulture designs
Meltdown I'm not sure if I'll use the v1 helmet design or the v2
Miasma is probably the easiest of the group
Ripit is already started, just collecting parts
Ricochet is already started going with the more urban camo version of AV
Redline is done, been done for a long time
Munitia I've started on, came up with a concept for her I like, and a whole new body construction

Author:  Vanishing Point [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 6:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SIGMA Plague Incision, Infared and Interrogator

as to why and what spawned the Interrogator is Race idea


Cobra Interrogator (version 4) was created using the torso of Snake Eyes (v4) (1991), the arms, waist, and legs of Red Star (1991), and a new head based on the 12-Inch "Soldiers of the World" G.I. Joe from 1966


plus little tid bits from each of his non appearances on file cards, comics and toon

Author:  Vanishing Point [ Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SIGMA Plague Incision, Infared and Interrogator

I'm a little over half done with Munitia, I'll be posting her alone, then moving on to Vector, Vanguard and Velocity then I'll make Ripit, Skycreeper and the new recruits

on a side note I got a package in the mail labeled LEE'sCrap... my ex sent me a few things that got lost in the breakup/move among them where a few 3.75 projects I was working on I'll finish them up and post them too

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