Been a while since I put a custom up. Nearly six months, in fact. Taking my time getting back into the hobby, so I started with three remakes of customs I made several years ago, all Star Wars Expanded Universe.
Gallandro:Head: Bail Organa
Torso/Arms/Jacket: Tatooine (Lost Scene) Biggs Darklighter
Legs: Harry Potter
Gunbelt/Blaster: Not sure
Scarf: ribbon
I wanted a book-accurate Gallandro figure, not the illustration we commonlly see: the picture from The Essential Guide to Characters. In both 'Han Solo's Revenge' and 'Han Solo and teh Lost Legacy' he is described as wearing a short grey jacket, grey trousers and polished black
shoes. I expect if Hasbro ever get round to making a figure, it will be the Essential Guide version.
Amaiza Foxtrain: Head: Golden Compass Mrs Coulter
Figure: Aurra Sing
Hands: Clone Wars Boba Fett
Han Solo: Amaiza, did anyone ever tell you that you talk too much?
One guy,...
once. Last I heard, his
widow was living it up on Bestine with his death benefits.
Last time, I used a Spy Troops Baroness figure. It never really looked right to me. This time I managed to snag an extra 3D packaging Aurra Sing. A few bits of vinyl tape, a new head and hands and a complete repaint and done. Got a far more comic accurate version.
Jaxxon:Head: cast from original version that I sculpted, with new ears and whiskers
Body: Pax Bonika (Rodian)
Hands: Microman
Gunbelt/Blasters: Clone Wars Boba Fett
Feet: Sculpted
I was quite happy with teh first version I did, but I wanted to update it. The Pax/Greedo/Rodian body was perfect for his bodysuit. I cast the original head that i sculpted and made new ears and added whiskers this time. Had to drill out the wrist holes to fit the Microman hands in, but they were just overlarge enough to look right.
Starhoppers:Nice simple LBC next
Admiral Daala:Head: Harry Potter: half-Blood Prince Ginny Weasley
Figure: Comic Pack Deena Shan
Rank Pin: Comic Pack Lt. Jundland
Been meaning to do this figure for a long time. I did consider using a MU Black Widow head, but the styling on the Ginny Weasley head makes it different. I cut the rank pin off the Lt jundland figure and glued it on the Deena Shan body. Just needed a coat of paint on the hair and done.
Continuing on the theme of teh Marvel Comics run, I did a couple of characters from the last year:
Bey:Head: Lanard
Body: MU Gladiator
Feet: Thor Frost Giant
Sash: purple face cloth
Sword: GI Joe
Knife:Head: MU Namor
Body: Comic Pack Luke Skywalker
Knives: GI Joe
Sash: Legacy Jawa
I made Bey a few years ago using a Mattel JLU figure. I always meant to remake, finally got around to it.
Jozzel Moffett (Underworld: The Yavin Vassilika):Complete figure: Clone Wars Aurra Sing
Extra Belt: Legacy Jawa
I liked the character of Jozzel Moffett from Underworld: The Yavin Vassilika, and was somewhat perturbed that she was the only fatality in the whole four issues. In my Star Wars 'verse, she survived and nurses a grudge against all the other players.
Easy custom to make. I always thought that she looked very like Aurra Sing, so when I had the chance to get a couple of cheap Clone Wars figures, I decided to give the figure a go. Not much needed doing; new hair, sanding down one of the holsters, cutting down the gunbelt, adding another belt and adding some wraps to her forearms plus a repaint.
Hoojibs:Cast and modified Hare from Golden Compass Lee Scoresby figure
While I am on an EU jag, and especially the Marvel Comics run, I thought I would attempt something I have wanted to make for a long time. The telepathic Hoojibs from the Planet Arbra that appeared in the comic from issue 55 onwards.
I had some spare hares from the Lee Scoresby figures, so I cut off the ears and sculpted a new head on. I then made a mold and cast several up. I added new ears with milliput and used a piece of jewellers wire to make the antenna. I could have molded the ears a s well, but I wanted to make each one unique, apart from the colours.
You're never to old to have your Botty used as a Bongo.