I don't do a lot of superhero customs anymore, but I recently picked up a Nightcrawler/Storm comic pack on sale. Nightcrawler has always been my favorite Marvel character, but I wasn't a big fan of his figure (especially the comic pack version, with the weird paint apps, but I could never find the TRU multipack around here). I didn't like the headsculpt, and NC really needs the 'flight' neck articulation (more to mimic his fighting stances than flight), so I set to fixing both. I hollowed out his neck and used the elbow joint from a RoC Neo Viper to give him the better head articulation, and actually grabbed the head from an old Nightcrawler custom I made years ago. I also decided to go with his slightly longer haired look than the 'up' version that the figure's original headsculpt has. And of course, I cleaned up the paint from the comic-pack version.
Head: Evolutions Darth Maul (modified).
Neck joint: Neo-Viper elbow
Sword: ???
BAMF-cloud: One of those Marvel build-a-figures that came in crates
Everything else: MU Night Crawler