Sigma Vector, Vanguard and Velocity
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Author:  Vanishing Point [ Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:51 am ]
Post subject:  Sigma Vector, Vanguard and Velocity


Very few in the entire organization of Cobra would take one of the safest out of fire rank and file roles and make it ultimately feared. The standard Laser-viper's task is simple, paint targets with their packs for heavy ordiance to take out. Vector redesigned his laser pack using a fusion coil and super cooled nitrogen to make a solid laser pulse that can punch a hole through solid plate tank armor, imagine what it could do to an individual... That was his entire intention, to be like a kid with a magnifying glass burning ants on the sidewalk. That sinister edge is probably what keeps him in the field rather than a Cobra R&D lab. He has an infallible arrogance to everything he does, that borders on repugnant but not more than any other member of the Plague. Most questions he answers with a smug "Trust me, I'm an engineer"

vector.jpg [ 215.91 KiB | Viewed 917 times ]

Author:  Vanishing Point [ Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sigma Vector, Vanguard and Velocity


helmet = cobra commander v2 + hero factory/bionicle stormer v3
laserpack = hitech v2 + hitechv2 rifle
head = snakeeyes v1
torso = paraduke + hose from wetsuit + part of a 1/6 sword sheath
forearmshands - samurai snakeyes
lower legs and feet = windfire cc

Author:  Vanishing Point [ Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sigma Vector, Vanguard and Velocity


Velocity does not like not having a contingency plan. No plan is infallible, no one is as resolute as they want to be when all else has failed. He harbors a great deal of animocity towards Blackout and Guillotine. First off for waisting potential troopers like Rip-it and Skycreeper for momentary moments of humanity. Secondly for having Blackout shoot him out of the air while attempting to flee the battlefield and regroup. As an AVAC he has acended to the pinnacle of the Cobra Air Corps, and to be treated as a rank and file plus being the most open target of the group just enrages him. The literal fly by the seat of your pants calculations, targeting, not running into obstacles and constant chatter from the group is enough to drive him mad... imagine an individual who succumbs to road rage the instant they pick up their keys, now give them a machine gun and a jetpack.

velocity.jpg [ 225.3 KiB | Viewed 916 times ]

Author:  Vanishing Point [ Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sigma Vector, Vanguard and Velocity


head = snakeyes v2 + jungle se goggles
torso = kamakura v1 + lt stone vest
forearms and hands = cc v1
lowerlegs = hitech v1
paraduke smg
skybat jetpack

Author:  Vanishing Point [ Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sigma Vector, Vanguard and Velocity


To many in the group Vanguard was not ready for the group, even though he was recruited directly into the unit by Cobra Commander. His thinking was too structured, too nieve and too "good" for Guillotine to respect him. During the waining moments of the WW3 conflict, he surrendered to Agent Delta. An action that the hiarchy of the Plague took notice of and would insure he felt the consequences of... After serving time for his actions he was released back to his country of origin, however shortly after touching down on the tarmac, there was an attack on the airbase. 72 military personel and 37 civillian dead, not a single witness to what happened. Six months later he was spotted again among the ranks of the Plague. Interrogator is his handler, treats him like a lackey and ammo carrier for the group. His servitude is attached to a shock collar which he has been informed also carries enough plastic explosives to take his head clear off. In addition to his collar it would seem Interrogator has been busy utilizing the brainwave scanner to instill command words to make vanguard a perfect killing machine capable of mimicing most forms of combat, even those of the Arashakage masters.

vanguard.jpg [ 224.19 KiB | Viewed 915 times ]

Author:  Vanishing Point [ Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sigma Vector, Vanguard and Velocity


ATV Duke
minor resculpt of face and hair, firefly v1 belt and harness
AT snakeyes hood trimmed to face mask
AT StormShadow NV goggles
SSDuke helmet,
1/6 rifle
and ff elbow pad strap for his collar

Author:  Vanishing Point [ Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sigma Vector, Vanguard and Velocity


3vs.jpg [ 216.74 KiB | Viewed 915 times ]

Author:  Vanishing Point [ Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sigma Vector, Vanguard and Velocity

GUillotine baits Vanguuard with the promise "Your freedom will cost you 25 dogtags, and I'm not taking any greenshirts..."

Author:  Scramble [ Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sigma Vector, Vanguard and Velocity

As usual, these are amazing customs. They call back to the vipers from which the characters graduated, expand on a brilliant concept that was underutilized and abandoned too early, and in a format that does not get enough love.

This batch, however, show the limitation of Sigma scale customs. Limited variety of parts. They look like they are wearing Sigma suits, and that means they look like Joe/Cobra hybrids.

Author:  alleyviperelite [ Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sigma Vector, Vanguard and Velocity

Your characterizations are wonderful.

Do you have your collection of Sigmas on display?

Author:  Vanishing Point [ Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sigma Vector, Vanguard and Velocity

Scramble wrote:
This batch, however, show the limitation of Sigma scale customs. Limited variety of parts. They look like they are wearing Sigma suits, and that means they look like Joe/Cobra hybrids.

I get where you're coming from on that

Velocity I reversed the red and black on the AVAC, Vanguard is a night watch trooper, and Vector is a pretty run of the mill laserviper

Author:  Vanishing Point [ Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sigma Vector, Vanguard and Velocity

alleyviperelite wrote:
Do you have your collection of Sigmas on display?

No for the most part I just don't have the room, I have them sorted by year for now. For the most part the Sigma cases do come in handy for that, save for the lager figures tht use the Heavy Duty DNM and Destro bodies

Author:  alleyviperelite [ Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sigma Vector, Vanguard and Velocity

Vanishing Point wrote:
alleyviperelite wrote:
Do you have your collection of Sigmas on display?

No for the most part I just don't have the room, I have them sorted by year for now. For the most part the Sigma cases do come in handy for that, save for the lager figures tht use the Heavy Duty DNM and Destro bodies

So they are all stored in their own separate coffins. Thats neat in its own weird way. To me at least.

Author:  Vanishing Point [ Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sigma Vector, Vanguard and Velocity

lol indeed

Author:  Vanishing Point [ Sun May 06, 2012 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sigma Vector, Vanguard and Velocity

out of this set the one I like the best is the one that I stressed over the most, The Laser Viper has a kinda unique helmet design that just painting the vison slit narrower wouldn't have done the trick....

I've started on Rip-it, Skycreeper and Ricochet
Rip-it is the easy one... kinda but I'm snagged on cholor schemes for Ricochet and Skycreeper

Ricochet is an Alley Viper, but I've never been a fan of the orange and blue, I was thinking urban grey and blue camo, but I don't want to loose all the little details of the gear on him

Skycreeper was an eye sore much like that battle corps mindbender, and I have completed his construction... I might substitute grey for his teal/green shirt but the yellow... I'm thinking of either sand or a sort of weathered leather

Story wise I have other plans for them than linking back up with the Plague. little more urban and alot more Firefly

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