ONEFORCE Revealed (Updated 11-29-12) File Cards
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Author:  Oneforceleader [ Tue May 29, 2012 9:08 am ]
Post subject:  ONEFORCE Revealed (Updated 11-29-12) File Cards

I have debated from since the begining of the year how to roll out Oneforce. Couldn't decide if I should do a history lesson or do a quick back ground on the team and then roll out the team members.......So i decided to compromise and do a little of both.

Oneforce was a brian child of mine that was born back in 1991 while recovering from back surgery. I had already customized a Red Python Patrol and a Sargent Slaughter's Midnight Marauders teams. So I needed an outside the norm group to help take the fight to Cobra, (I also felt lke the Joe line needed more diversity [ethnicity]) So I started mixing colers and created more characters of Hispanic, African, South American, and other nationalities of color.
Fast forward to 2002 I decided to revamp the idea based on the idea that traditional ways of dealing with Terrorism weren't working and redeveolped the team into a true international force.

Fast forward to 2011-12 I present to you the current and most updated Oneforce Team.

Oneforce is a covert, black-ops style team that operates outside of US and International laws. Its purpose is simple, to take the fight to the enemies of freedom! Oneforce operates on its own, although it is believed by some that it answers to the most powerful government in the world….the USA. However the US government denies any involvement in Oneforce activities, due to the sometime brutal nature of some the reported acts taken by Oneforce. Its rumored the Oneforce has assassinated corrupt leaders of third world countries, assisted in the over throw of dictators and even battled with the likes of both Cobra and G.I. Joe. The members of Oneforce are said to be made up of mercenaries, lone wolves, former Joes, Cobras and other former military and intelligence operatives from around the world. No one knows for sure, and it’s unclear whose side they are really on. One the thing is for sure Oneforce is a force to be reckoned with. Oneforce was founded by three men Theopolis Vineyard, Marcus Long and an unknown never seen before Oneforce Leader.

Theopolis Vineyard; Code name the “The Vine”
Only two men know who Oneforce Leader really is and that’s The Vine and Deacon his best friend and co-founders of Oneforce. The Vine and Deacon formed Oneforce after being approached by Oneforce Leader, because they could no longer sit by and watch the governments of the world deliberate about despots and tyrants and drug cartels and weapons dealers. Someone had to take a stand and do something other than talk. Groups like G.I. Joe had to operate under the direction of the US Government and had work within certain guidelines in regards to defending the US and the world. Oneforce has erased the line drawn in the sand and has taken the fight strait to the door step of evil. Oneforce Leader has recruited people who share his approach to dealing with villainous individuals and operations.
The Vine has recruited former military personnel from all four branches of the military, from Interpol to some of the best mercenaries in the world and a few less creditable but talented individuals. While the Vine has extensive conections in the intelegnce world his true identity and back ground is unknown, his conviction and reputation is know of world wide. The Vine has created a legend around his name and his Oneforce team. Anyone crazy and bold enough to get in the middle of a G.I. Joe and Cobra must be powerful enough to hold their own. The Vine is fiercely committed to righting the wrongs of the world and doing it by any means necessary.
The Vine (1).JPG
The Vine (1).JPG [ 81.15 KiB | Viewed 1167 times ]

The Vine (2).JPG
The Vine (2).JPG [ 117.55 KiB | Viewed 1167 times ]

Author:  Oneforceleader [ Tue May 29, 2012 9:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ONEFORCE Revealed

Agent Marcus Long-(Special Forces) Director of Security Systems Code Name:” DEACON”
Deacon served in the Marine Corp as a ranger and headed numerous missions in the Middle East, East Africa and South America. Deacon has made alliances all over the globe. He is well known in the intelligence community and well respected in the under ground community. Deacon joined TEComm, along with his good friend Theopolis Vine the founder and CEO of TEComm. Deacon is also believed to be one the founders and charter members of the legendary and mysterious “Oneforce”, a “black-ops” organization that has reported to be behind forced over throw of tyrants in several third world countries. “Oneforce” is also reported to have thwarted some of Cobras terrorist plots as well. None of his ties to “Oneforce” have ever been confirmed, however there are those in the intelligence community that believe otherwise.
Deacon 002.JPG
Deacon 002.JPG [ 153.35 KiB | Viewed 1165 times ]

Deacon 005.JPG
Deacon 005.JPG [ 187.24 KiB | Viewed 1165 times ]

Deacon 011.JPG
Deacon 011.JPG [ 104.21 KiB | Viewed 1165 times ]

Author:  Oneforceleader [ Tue May 29, 2012 9:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ONEFORCE Revealed

Frank Romano –Code Name “Slick”
Frank Romano is a former DEA agent who worked the upper East Coast area based in N.Y. City area. Romano is rumored to be a descendant of one of the five “family’s” that originally setup the crime syndicate in N.Y. Romano is known for being a pool shark at the local pool hall in his neighborhood. His pool skills earned him the name “Slick” for his slick shooting. Romano refused to take up the family business, and went into the Marines. He served two terms with the Marines before being recruited to the DEA.
Romano was aided by “The Vine” in a major bust in the N.Y. area. So when an undercover deal with Cobra went bad, Romano was accused of conspiring with Cobra to distribute the drug “Y-4”. Romano was sentenced to 25 years in a federal prison and was decommissioned as a DEA agent. Romano was rescued during transport to prison by Oneforce member Deacon and became one of the founding members of the upstart renegade band of freedom fighters.
Slick (2).JPG
Slick (2).JPG [ 143.93 KiB | Viewed 1163 times ]

Slick (1).JPG
Slick (1).JPG [ 85.33 KiB | Viewed 1163 times ]

Slick (4).JPG
Slick (4).JPG [ 91.37 KiB | Viewed 1163 times ]

Author:  pluv [ Tue May 29, 2012 10:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ONEFORCE Revealed

The Vine: As a preference, I would have went with brown boots over the grey. The earth tone would tie into the shirt more. Also he needs a weapon.

Deacon: the lower legs still need some work sanding or shaping. Something. Like the character and like his overall look.

Slick: He's the winner of the group. Good tat work. Clean look that just works.

Author:  Oneforceleader [ Tue May 29, 2012 11:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ONEFORCE Revealed

Thanks Pluv yea I thought about doing brown boots or black also The Vine has a side arm and is the visible leader of the team so I wanted to present him in a lead roll more so than combat. Deacon I got lazy, Slick is slick and I can't take credit for the tat, the arms belong to Storm Rider. Don't tell though :shifty:

Author:  luciendoone [ Tue May 29, 2012 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ONEFORCE Revealed

I'd like to see more of that tat, good stuff.

Author:  drbindy [ Tue May 29, 2012 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ONEFORCE Revealed

First off, I love the story, and I love the committment to a project begun so long ago. Both of my customs verses existed in my head long before they ever found a home in plastic (with my "newer" sci fi verse dating way back to my childhood in many respects). So yeah, I think that part is cool, but the story itself is solid too.

As for the customs, I agree with pluv that Slick just works. He fits the bio perfectly, and is a smooth looking custom.

Deacon is probably my favorite, in terms of design. I can't see the lower legs very well on this monitor, but I know what pluv is saying. Something seems off about them. I'm guessing you were trying to turn Marvel sculpted legs into boot looking legs? I'd recommend either using the boot tops from x-23, or the Gator boots from Commander Rogers, and modding them that way instead. Or, I think you can totally get away with swapping out the lower leg to a figure with combat boots.

But the character totally fits the look, I think fixing that would put him over the top. Only other suggestion from me would be to use a very light grey wash over the white shirt. Mainly just to let it sink into the crevices and create some shading. Sometimes that process really helps smooth out white paint as well. I like the white shirt design, but it's a very rugged looking character, and I think the white might be too bright or clean. Maybe just detail it out a bit. I do this a lot myself to cheat when painting with white. Since it's so damned hard to make it a perfectly smooth finish, incorporating shading and weathering ends up being both more realistic AND more forgiving on the final look.

The Vine is the only figure where I am not as find of the design. Or maybe I should say the character design is fine, but the parts leave me wanting more. I may be a parts snob now (sorry to admit it), but I've found that those 25A 1st gen Duke torsos (arms included) aren't good for anything other than becoming internal hardware donors. lol. I understand making use of parts on hand though, and I don't fault you for it. There are more than a handful of later figures with the button up shirt look, though, that could really sell the design even more.

Those are just my two cents. I like what you are doing, figure-wise, and I love the scope and scale of the project itself.

Author:  Oneforceleader [ Thu May 31, 2012 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ONEFORCE Revealed

I'm glad you all like the tat but I can't take credit for it, it was factory painted on Storm Rider, but the tat did help me with the bio.

Dr.B the legs on Deacon were Cap boot legs and I tried to green stuf it and I actually added inserts to make him taller so thats what all the extra is. I do need to go back fix that, and I will before I submit it to the gallery. But it will be awhile I have no lab to work in.

Here are the next set of team members.

D.J. Chesney: Code Name “Hound”
Darren Joseph Chesney is a former MI-6 British inelegance and “00” agent. After several failed coordinated missions with G.I. Joe against Cobra, Chesney gave up being a British agent. He took up tracking down Cobra operatives on his own, earning the name “Hound”. Oneforceleader reach out to him and recruited him to be the tracker for Oneforce and point man for any search and destroy missions. Hound takes his work seriously maybe a little too seriously, he sleeps with his laser pistol on his chest, MI-6 training never goes away.
Hound (2).JPG
Hound (2).JPG [ 84.08 KiB | Viewed 1014 times ]

Hound (3).JPG
Hound (3).JPG [ 80.75 KiB | Viewed 1014 times ]

Hound (1).JPG
Hound (1).JPG [ 124.63 KiB | Viewed 1014 times ]

Author:  Oneforceleader [ Thu May 31, 2012 5:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ONEFORCE Revealed

Nigel Monroe Code Name “Jaw Breaker”;
Nigel Monroe grew up in Kingston Jamaica, and was a boxer for the Jamaican Olympic boxing team in his late teen age years. While on the team he knocked out every opponent he faced. He broke the jaw of several of his opponents during his time as a boxer and earned the knick name “Jaw Breaker”. As a young adult he move to New York and continued his boxing career. It was in a Bronx gym where he met Marcus Long (aka Deacon) while working out and getting ready for an upcoming fight. Deacon took notice of Nigel and his fierce fighting style and unwillingness to back down and offered him a chance to use his unique skills for a different purpose. After a short conversation Jaw Breaker gave up his boxing dreams and joined Oneforce as part of the Oneforce strike team.
Jaw Breaker 1.JPG
Jaw Breaker 1.JPG [ 221.31 KiB | Viewed 1010 times ]

Jaw Breaker 2.JPG
Jaw Breaker 2.JPG [ 207.29 KiB | Viewed 1010 times ]

Author:  Oneforceleader [ Thu May 31, 2012 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ONEFORCE Revealed

Motor Head; is a former Dreadnok mechanic. Not much is known about Motor Head other than it is believed that he designed the original Thunder Machine before the design was stolen by Thrasher and presented to Zartan as his own.
Motor Head left the Dreadnok however Zartan had him brought back against his will. Motor Head made several attempts at leaving the Dreadnok’s before escaping and faking his own death and badly scaring his face in the process. TECcom (a private Intel agency also the front for Oneforce) had been monitoring the multiple escape attempts by Motor Head and help facilitate the faking of his death. Motor Head is now a member of Oneforce designing and creating assault vehicles for Oneforce. It’s believed he created the legendary “Beast” a vehicle design for urban warfare and rumored to possess immense destructive power.
Motor Head 1.JPG
Motor Head 1.JPG [ 49.82 KiB | Viewed 1010 times ]

Motor Head (1).JPG
Motor Head (1).JPG [ 71.97 KiB | Viewed 1010 times ]

Author:  Oneforceleader [ Thu May 31, 2012 5:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ONEFORCE Revealed (updated 6-4-12)

Quick note I have already touched up Jawbreaker and I'm working on the She Hulk tat. I also just develpoed logos for some of the team that I will put on later before I post to the gallery.

Author:  Oneforceleader [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ONEFORCE Revealed (Updated 6-5-12)

Next up is a new character I just created for the team. Here's his story:

Eddy Allen-Code Name “Iceman”
Eddy Allen came up through the ranks of the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency), after serving in the narcotics division of D.C.’s finest. Allen regularly went undercover as a buyer, sometimes a supplier, and even a runner from time to time. Whatever the assignment, Eddy always played it cool. His commanding officers couldn’t always tell who side he was really working for, cause he was just that good. “Cold as ice” is what they would say about Eddy Allen I guess that’s why they call him “Iceman” because he always kept his cool. Throughout the changes in the DEA leadership Eddy maintained his cover no matter what. Until the last mission he was involving a South American Cartel and a Weapons dealer (MARS) that went very bad. Allen’s cover was blown and his life was near its end at the hands of the weapons dealer and his small army. Fortunately for TECcom the front company for a covert intelligence agency (AKA Oneforce) had been monitoring both Allen and MARS for some time. Oneforce was able to free Allen and give him a new home and a new mission leaving the DEA and the Government behind. Now the Iceman uses his undercover skills to infiltrate Cartel’s, smugglers, terrorist cells and even the Dreadnoks.
Sorry I don't have any disguise's for him yet but I hope to before posting to the gallery.
Eddy Allen 1.JPG
Eddy Allen 1.JPG [ 113.91 KiB | Viewed 948 times ]

Eddy Allen 8.JPG
Eddy Allen 8.JPG [ 111.83 KiB | Viewed 948 times ]

Eddy Allen 7.JPG
Eddy Allen 7.JPG [ 101.32 KiB | Viewed 948 times ]

Author:  Oneforceleader [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ONEFORCE Revealed

Darren O’Shea: Code Name “Shamrock”
Darren O’Shea served in the Irish Defense Forces as a Colonel, before joining Interpol. O’Shea received the name Shamrock for the tattoo here where’s on his neck. O’Shea after leaving Interpol returned to Ireland and became a bounty hunter and mercenary. Oneforceleader had crossed paths with Shamrock on several occasions, while Shamrock served with Interpol and Oneforceleader was with a U.S. intelligence agency. Oneforceleader recruited Shamrock for his keen instincts and his sometime over aggressive approach to capture and interrogation. O’Shea leads a team that doubles as security at the Oneforce compound and a retrieval team. Whenever Oneforce wants someone interrogated The Hound finds him and Shamrock and his team retrieve them and interrogates them.
Darrin O'Shea 1.JPG
Darrin O'Shea 1.JPG [ 115.82 KiB | Viewed 945 times ]

Copy of 1-Force Security 1.JPG
Copy of 1-Force Security 1.JPG [ 140.82 KiB | Viewed 945 times ]

1-Force Garage 2.JPG
1-Force Garage 2.JPG [ 105.44 KiB | Viewed 945 times ]

The last picture is a shot of the Oneforce Motor Pool and garage.

Author:  Gaaway [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ONEFORCE Revealed (Updated 6-5-12)

Top notch! I am loving the story as well as the customs. Just one thing: will there be any females on the team? You know ,you can never have enough women on the team. Again,excellent job.

Author:  Oneforceleader [ Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ONEFORCE Revealed (Updated 7-3-12)

Gaaway wrote:
Top notch! I am loving the story as well as the customs. Just one thing: will there be any females on the team? You know ,you can never have enough women on the team. Again,excellent job.

Thanks as a matter of fect I am working on a couple of female agents, so stay tuned for them.......

And now the ladies...........................
First Up.....Millie Vasquez Millie spent her early years working “Vice” in Newark PD. She eventually moved on to the DEA working under cover with Agent Eddie Allen (Codename Iceman). She spent months at a time under cover in Cuba, Puerto Rico and Mexico helping to infiltrate the Cartels in those countries. After a few near misses she was recruited by Eddie Allen now a member of Oneforce to help bring down the Cartels across the world. Millie is fluent in Spanish, Portuguese, French and Arabic. Millie is a shoot first ask questions later kind of gal. She holds a black belt in at least four forms of Martial Arts including Bok Fu (you’ll have to Google that one).
Milli Vasquez 1.JPG
Milli Vasquez 1.JPG [ 178.46 KiB | Viewed 781 times ]

The Wilshootchavic Sisters
Irina and Ivanna Wilshootchavic are Bosnian assassins who were trained to be snipers in the Bosnian army and were sometimes used by the Secret Police to take out certain rebel leaders and other faction leaders. However every time they would take one out another would take their place. Before become crack shot snipers they were entertainers of sort. Their beauty gave them a distinct advantage when it came to close hand to hand assassinations. Their kills and skills are legendary in the Intelligence community. It took some convincing but The Vine was able to convince them to join the Oneforce cause. He did promise them a shot at those who mistreated and abused them back home while they were in training. This pleased the sisters and they became a part of Oneforce.

Wilshootchavic sisters3.JPG
Wilshootchavic sisters3.JPG [ 223.38 KiB | Viewed 781 times ]

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