Yet another Merc. with a mouth from O'l Tankster It seems as though i cant stop making this guy....well I do like the Character so maybe thats why? HHMMMMM ;)
Head: Cast MU Deadpool Head from TofuJesse
Torso: 30th Techno Viper (I really liked the the way the torso flowed)
Legs: POC SkyDive
Feet: POC Firefly
Upper Arms: Wolverine Origins Deadpool/ Or Marvel Universe Version
Lower Arms: POC Alley Viper
Belt: ROC Helix with Deadpool symbol sculpted out of Aves
Harness: 30th Zombie Viper cut down and added 25th Snake Eyes grenades to it
Sword Sheath is two ROC City Strike Snake Eyes sheaths trimmed and merged together so they don't overlap on each other
Guns random ROC/POC guns
Whats this another Deadpool who would have Thunk it!!!
Built using all Joe parts except the head Cast Copy from TofuJesse
was going to make a Snake Eyes with this build but it was too boring all black and junk so I spiced it up!