Tatooine Insurgency - The Great Jawa Uprising
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Author:  BL4CK5H33P [ Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Tatooine Insurgency - The Great Jawa Uprising

Following the Imperial Sandtrooper massacre on the Jawa Sandcrawler during Star Wars A New Hope (Episode IV) - a large contingency of Jawas have abandoned their passive & timid ways... they have begun a small scale insurgency against the Imperial troops on Tatooine. Implementing sabotage & quick strike assassination tactics, they have caused heavy damage against the Empire recently, throughout The Dune Sea, The Jundland Wastes, Mos Espa & Mos Eisley --- The Empire has called this group of Tatooine freedom fighters The Dune Sea Devils...

I had so much fun buildin' this little guy, I decided to try & troop-build a few more... so I will be adding WiPs & group shots to this...








Here is my Jawa V2 WiP...





Author:  Pugsley [ Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tatooine Insurgency - The Great Jawa Uprising

Cool! I love the concept and your figure looks great too!

Author:  Iron Will [ Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tatooine Insurgency - The Great Jawa Uprising


Author:  Rosey Joe [ Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tatooine Insurgency - The Great Jawa Uprising

Awesome, i love SW conversions.

Author:  pluv [ Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tatooine Insurgency - The Great Jawa Uprising

I love this project. My ongoing Robot universe started off as a Droid rebellion and revolution.

Author:  BL4CK5H33P [ Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tatooine Insurgency - The Great Jawa Uprising

THNX for the love on these... I actually did a good deal of research on Jawa culture & society... it is believed that Jawas & Tuskens originated from one single race & then split into two distinct races... I do have a V3 WiP - a helmeted driver for a fast attack skiff & a couple Clone War era Assassin droids planned, that these Jawas have reprogrammed for "suicide" bombers... nasty little suckers

Author:  past nastification [ Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tatooine Insurgency - The Great Jawa Uprising

Awesome idea. Good figures, too!

Author:  Robulus [ Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tatooine Insurgency - The Great Jawa Uprising

Very nice

Author:  drbindy [ Thu Nov 29, 2012 4:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tatooine Insurgency - The Great Jawa Uprising

I dig it. I had a mind awhile back to make a Jawa Bounty Hunter, but never got around to it. Would not have shared this back story, but I'd like to think it might have looked as bad ass as your Jawa freedom fighters. lol.

Author:  SteamPunk Michael [ Fri Nov 30, 2012 1:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tatooine Insurgency - The Great Jawa Uprising

These are too cool, I've always loved those little buggers. I'd love to see a Snake-Eyes'd Jawa, no hood, just the black wraps around the head with glowing eyes, still has the brown clothes, but more slim for sneaky stealthy night ops missions agains the Imperial Garrison.

Author:  BL4CK5H33P [ Fri Nov 30, 2012 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tatooine Insurgency - The Great Jawa Uprising

drbindy : I dig it. I had a mind awhile back to make a Jawa Bounty Hunter, but never got around to it.

SPM : These are too cool, I've always loved those little buggers. I'd love to see a Snake-Eyes'd Jawa, no hood, just the black wraps around the head with glowing eyes, still has the brown clothes, but more slim for sneaky stealthy night ops missions agains the Imperial Garrison.

^^^ Funny you guys should say this - I recently acquired a Retaliation Zartan & am planning a Mandalorian trained Jawa using the SE head that came w/ that Zartan fig... it has similar lines as a Mando helmet, yet would be much slimmer & appropriate for use as a Jawa helmet :D

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