I bought the Vacation in the Shadows set as well as the extra figure sets and decided to add to the European "Joe" team. Most of the Action Force figures are neat looking but only five POA, and some are Joe figures while others are repaints/redesignations of Joe figures, these were the figures/characters I was interested in.
I went with Blades (Tripwire), Stalker (Snake Eyes), Quarrel (Scarlett), Hunter (Cobra Officer), Moon Dancer (Short Fuze). These were all just repaints. I took a few liberties, especially with Stalker, other than his mask and the grenade, he's solid black and I used the comic pack Scarlett just for a nicer looking face and hair. Hunter should have a silver mask, but my silver dried up and he should have some blue parts of his web gear. They should also have chest logos, but I didn't feel like shelling out the $$$ for them right now. I'll probably paint up a VAMP and a Wolverine for these guys too.
Firefly v1 has always been one of my favorite figures, but one of the things that has always bugged me is that despite his great sculpt, he lacks painted details, on top of that, the camo pattern of his uniform covers his web gear too, so I decided to see what he'd look like with painted details. The comic pack version is essentially the same figure but with painted details, but I wanted a little more than just black web gear, so I painted all the components of his gear. I painted the details of the 25th Firefly's backpack too, so if I can find another v1 backpack, I'll paint it up as well.
Some people, when trying to avoid thinking about those things that cause them pain, turn to drink, food, or drugs...I turn not to any of those...I collect action figures. Over the years, I've found that alcoholism is much more socially acceptable by far.