What is this? A custom thread from me? Yeah, it's been a few years since I've done a custom, but since it doesn't appear that Hasbro is doing a Retaliation accurate Cobra Commander, I wanted to make one up.
I've seen a few around, and borrowed most of their ideas, especially Tankster's. I didn't like the boots, though, since it doesn't look like Cobra Commander wears boots in the film:
Head: HISS Driver Cobra Commander
Torso: RoC Storm Shadow (front flap cut out of jacket for more accuracy and better articulation)
Arms: Retaliation Storm Shadow
Legs: PoC Cobra Commander
I'll be painting him at JoeCon. Anyone have any other part recommendations? Other thoughts? I'm pretty rusty on my customizing skills, and this was my first modern era "torso crack" but it worked pretty well.