1:18 Invader Warship / 1:18'ish USCM APC. WIP, 13 Jun 13
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Author:  C130IM [ Fri May 31, 2013 12:14 am ]
Post subject:  1:18 Invader Warship / 1:18'ish USCM APC. WIP, 13 Jun 13

Been on a hiatus primarily focusing on a new concept and scratchbuild. The HSTT tank is shelved temporarily until I can work out some issues with its design.

So introducing the 1:18 Invader Inter-Atmospheric Craft, Zhūróng Zhànjiàn. The TOVREX arial cousin. Right now the ship is being built in sections. In the pictures, the aft and forward body are temporarily attached for the pictures.

These warships served as part of the invaders 'fleet security and offensive fighter/bomber wing' when deployed with the expeditionary fleets. Back in their home system, the invaders utilized the warship to hunt, engage, and destroy insurgent weaponry and positions on troublesome planets within their realm of control. They also played major role defending their space from external intruders especially their long time enemy in another region of space.

On Earth, they were used in combat operations where organized military resistance was placing undue pressure on the invaders ground and air forces. Such was the case in China where the warship was first seen in combat. Dubbed "Zhūróng zhànjiàn" by a Chinese PLA General after witnessing the ships firepower during the siege of Hong Kong and early bombardment of Beijing.

Heavy Armament:

They were built tough with redundant armor and magnetic shielding which provided additional protection.

4 double barrel (legacy), rapid or constant fire cannons (2 port and 2 starboard). Used for ship to ship engagements or ground support operations.
2 forward plasma disruptor projectile emitters. Energy of projectile adjustable controling explosive yield.
4 side mounted smaller plasma disruptor projectile emitters (2 starboard/port sides). Ship to ship and ground support.
1 Top mounted heavy weapon. Fixed position. Geared towards frontal attack against other ships. It similar to the plasma disruptors. However, instead of firing a single projectile. The top weapon was capable of firing a sustained, powerful, beam combining other material to boost the destructive power. No reports ever made of its use on Earth.

The ship was designed with many redundant systems. From engines to power plant. Independent plasma fusion core powered the weapons. A second fusion core fueled the engines. Has a large internal gravity well allowing it to hover. Unlike the P-DRAC, it was capable of entering and leaving various planetary atmospheres under its own power and shielding. They could launch from the fleet carrier in orbit with no requirement for a transport.

Its main weakness was tied to energy drain. Power for the plasma disruptors placed burden on its weapons core. Especially during an intensive firefight with a craft of equal or greater power.

Many associate this warship with the TOVREX ground destroyer. The US designated it the ARVREX. Both are apparently invincible. And have left wake of destruction in their paths.








Author:  Greyryder [ Fri May 31, 2013 1:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1:18 Invader I-AC, Zhūróng Zhànjiàn (warship) WIP, 30 Ma

Your builds are always incredible. This one is bordering on being a playset, more than a vehicle.

Author:  DREMEL [ Fri May 31, 2013 1:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1:18 Invader I-AC, Zhūróng Zhànjiàn (warship) WIP, 30 Ma

very cool

Author:  sgartz [ Fri May 31, 2013 2:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1:18 Invader I-AC, Zhūróng Zhànjiàn (warship) WIP, 30 Ma

Wow; the scale of that is really impressive. The engineering to make it structurally sound must have been quite an undertaking in itself. I'll be looking forward to seeing how this is coming along.

Author:  C130IM [ Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1:18 Invader I-AC, Zhūróng Zhànjiàn (warship) WIP, 30 Ma

Thanks for the support, guys!! This and the TOVREX are the largest of my scratchbuild projects.

sgartz; a lot of planning went into planning. It's heavy (15lbs so far) so I really hope the frame, beams, screws, and Aves Fixit sculpting will hold it together and won't buckle or break when picked up. So far it's holding up. Dropped the forward section on the floor and didn't break couple days, which was a good sign. Don't want that to happen again.

Author:  AdrienVeidt [ Sat Jun 01, 2013 8:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1:18 Invader I-AC, Zhūróng Zhànjiàn (warship) WIP, 30 Ma

Damn, dude. COOL. you should hook up with JFAK and build a Colonial Marines lander that'll carry his APC.

Author:  Rambo [ Sat Jun 01, 2013 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1:18 Invader I-AC, Zhūróng Zhànjiàn (warship) WIP, 30 Ma

Awesome playset. What are you going to do with it?

Author:  C130IM [ Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1:18 Invader I-AC, Zhūróng Zhànjiàn (warship) WIP, 6 Jun

Thanks all for the feedback!

AdrienViedt; actually, I have 1/18ish Colonial Marine APC Resin Kit that I'm building on the side. Been putting it off now I'm pushing forward with building it.

Rambo; this ship I'm using in a dio when I start working on those closer to the end of the year.

Latest update:

Progress on this model is slow and little tedious. Due in part to how its being built. making sure the weight and each part is supported properly.

Additional airframe panels added to the sides, bottom, and framing for additional support.

The front section is the hardest part because each piece is smaller, cut to fit the proper angles and measurements of the panel next to it. Wait time to allow the Aves sculpt to cure.

Managed to prep the main weapon stanchion. It will be mounted above the ship command section.

There's 5 main assemblies planned that will form the final build: main body, aft thruster section, upper weapon section, lower sensor array/weapon section, landing gear assembly.

It's slow but want to show that the WIP is proceeding and not being pushed off like the HSTT (little frustrated right now with that build).








Author:  raptor [ Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1:18 Invader I-AC, Zhūróng Zhànjiàn (warship) WIP, 6 Jun

I am absolutely loving how this is coming together.

- R

Author:  Macrossmaster [ Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1:18 Invader I-AC, Zhūróng Zhànjiàn (warship) WIP, 6 Jun

Brother, you got ambition! Can't wait to see it finished.

Author:  drbindy [ Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1:18 Invader I-AC, Zhūróng Zhànjiàn (warship) WIP, 6 Jun

I have that same TRU ship that makes up the center cabin here, and I was pretty happy with it... til I saw this. lol. I think I still like mine for what I intend to use it for, but this is ridiculously cool. Love the new double cockpit you've made especially.

Author:  C130IM [ Thu Jun 13, 2013 12:22 am ]
Post subject:  1:18 Invader Warship / 1:18ish Aliens USCM APC, WIP, 13 Jun

Thanks guys! Just minor update and pic of new project.

Adding panels to the Zhūróng Zhànjiàn (warship). Start interior work on the command section and cockpit. Still slow process. Working on the upper and lower weapon assemblies separately. The aft engines will be the last section to attach.




Started work on 1/18'ish (1/20) USCM APC Resin Kit. Have 2 working on. One on order and another pending. These are adapted to my verse and will have standard aliens APC and 2 with different armament. Most time went into aligning the holes in the wheel wells. Also attached a 1/35 scale buffer to the wheels. One to provide space between the wheel and hull. Finally to help with centering the axle holes in each wheel. Basic kit assembly doesn't take long unless you make modifications to it.


Author:  Zephyr1999 [ Fri Jun 14, 2013 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1:18 Invader Warship / 1:18'ish USCM APC. WIP, 13 Jun 13

this thing is awesome. very good work.

Author:  DREMEL [ Fri Jun 14, 2013 4:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1:18 Invader Warship / 1:18'ish USCM APC. WIP, 13 Jun 13

Just curious if anyone has any insight (other then it looks cool) on why the APC would have such big wheels but such low clearance. The reason for big wheels is improving clearance, right?

I guess it could be for weight distribution but if that was the case it seems like it would make more sense to simply have either more wheels or tracks.

I am guessing the design of the vehicle is simply for eye appeal (and it does look bada$$) since it is from the movie and no real need to make it practical but am interested if anyone knows any real reason for this design.

Author:  Outback [ Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1:18 Invader Warship / 1:18'ish USCM APC. WIP, 13 Jun 13

That's just amazing. And I thought my projects were big! Maybe if I show the wife this thread she'll stop telling to build things I have to scramble to store later.

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