Desert C.L.A.W.S.
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Author:  Jay [ Thu Jun 13, 2013 7:44 am ]
Post subject:  Desert C.L.A.W.S.

Well, this body started out as my attempt to do an Incinerator, but ultimately I grew tired of it, especially since even without the stock, he couldn't hold his flamethrower well, and the whole thing felt weak. A man shouldn't feel that way about his customs.

Recently I saw someone had done a neat SKAR Trooper custom using that body base (via Google Image Search, I sadly do not remember who did it or where) and it made me see the mold had more potential as a standard trooper than a flamethrower. A bit of fiddling around, followed by poking about on Yojoe, led me to realize the sculpt lent itself incredibly well to the C.L.A.W.S.
As such.....
The head is a placeholder until I can find a Grunt Spy Troops mask (or a cast replica) for cheap, otherwise he's pretty much done.

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