Skeletron WIP
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Author:  MarkM [ Sat Jun 15, 2013 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Skeletron WIP

I've had some Star Wars droids with plans to turn them into AF Skeletrons for a while. The hold up was the head. I just couldn't find a head I liked. I wanted it to look like the original, except maybe not quite so goofy. So I decided to try my hand at designing a head and printing it out. This was the second head I designed. Also, you'll notice it's fairly smooth. I did not sand this at all, just painted it. I've done some tweaks to my printer and the banding is all gone. Still some painting to do and touch ups, but I'm pleased with the look so far.




Author:  pluv [ Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Skeletron WIP

The paint is rough. I like what you're going for but the paint is hiding all of the detail. If you could print in white that would help a lot. White paint is just hard to work with and one fo the benefits of printing your own design is getting stuff in the color you want it right off the bat. If the head was white right from the start you could focus on the black shadows and the green eyes.

Author:  MarkM [ Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Skeletron WIP

Okay, after seeing these on a computer screen instead of just on my phone, I can see there's a lot more painting touch-ups to do. Also, the teeth aren't as visible in the pictures as they are on the actual figure, so I may need to try doing a wash on them, or use a fine point to trace them out. I do have a few more pictures to post, plus I have some pictures of the 3D rendering of the skull. I did the black highlights just below the cheeks for contrast, but the more I see them, the more I think I want to go back to all white.

Skeletron, 3/4 view:

Profile view, close-up:

Render, front view, with black cheeks:

Render, 3/4 view, with black cheeks:

And to show what it would look like without the black under the cheekbones. Please let me know which you think looks better:
Render, front view, all white:

Render, 3/4 view, all white:

Author:  MarkM [ Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Skeletron WIP

pluv wrote:
The paint is rough. I like what you're going for but the paint is hiding all of the detail. If you could print in white that would help a lot. White paint is just hard to work with and one fo the benefits of printing your own design is getting stuff in the color you want it right off the bat. If the head was white right from the start you could focus on the black shadows and the green eyes.

Thanks. I need to get some white plastic, actually. For some reason, I've got nearly every color but it. I do think I'll get some to print it out again, just in white, but this one is a good head for playing around with. I do agree they paint is rough. It's not as noticeable when looking at the actual figure or on my phone, but once I saw it on a larger screen, it was a definite 'yeesh, that's bad' moment. I think a big part of the problem is it took a layer of silver for a primer, then 3 layers of white to get the coverage it has. Since I have about 6 more of these guys to finish, I think I'll hold off until I get some white plastic, though, as I do think it will help a lot. See the post above, since I simul-posted with you to see what I was going for and what it should look more like without all the paint on it. What do you think of the paint below the cheek, when you see the actual detail?

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