I wanted to give one of my Iron Man figures the modular arm mechanism from the IM3 Assemblers line. Seemed straightforward enough; Swap out the joint pieces in the shoulders with the ones from a pair of Assemblers arms, then drill out the torso to take the Assemblers sockets.
Simple, sure....
I bought a Crosscut armor, for its red joint pieces, started cutting shoulders apart, and it became readily apparent that the parts from the Crosscut armor were much larger than the ones in the figure I was trying to modify. I even tried with a spare Mk.VI, with the same result. So, I bought a Striker armor, to try again. The shoulders were still too big, and a quick check showed they're the same size as the shoulder parts from the white and black space armor. (which has the most delicate looking arms of any of the Assemblers I've seen) The Striker parts were at least small enough I could grind them down to make them work. I got the shoulder parts swapped, and started on modding the torso.
Drilled the top of the mid torso joint right off, ruining my favorite IM figure that I own. I refuse to accept defeat, with my favorite Iron man.
Drill bits; brass rod; styrene tube; GAME ON!
So anywho, this is what I ended up with:
Greytech Heavy IndustriesIf it ain't broke, take it apart and lose some of the pieces. Then, it'll be a custom.