Star Trek the Motion Picture: Rand
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Author:  past nastification [ Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:42 am ]
Post subject:  Star Trek the Motion Picture: Rand

These are my friend's Christmas gift this year...

Here's Rand (center), along with M'Ress (who wasn't even in the movie) and Dr. Chapel. The yellow cream color of Rand and Chapel was used so that the figures would better match up with the Mego figures. Although not movie accurate, the color was a good choice by someone at Mego. The toffee color actually used in the movie didn't work too well.

In addition to Rand, I also made an image of the two crew members who die in the transporter disaster. The image will be printed out as part of the packaging. It isn't just photoshop effects done to two figures. I made two warped pushmold figures, which I painted blue with silver flakes. I added photoshop effects over two customs.

mressrandchapel.jpg [ 220.3 KiB | Viewed 1355 times ]
ohnotheyreformingblue.jpg [ 251.13 KiB | Viewed 1355 times ]

Author:  drbindy [ Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Trek the Motion Picture: Rand

If I were a vintage collector of this line, I'd be trying to get on your Christmas list myself. ;)

The work is outstanding. The medium may not be my cup of tea, but that's irrelevant. The work of matching the additional characters to the original format is top notch.

Author:  night force cynic [ Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Trek the Motion Picture: Rand

I'm impressed someone made a custom of M'ress. That it's based on the first Trek movie just sweetens the deal, I always figured she was just off-screen.

Author:  pluv [ Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Trek the Motion Picture: Rand

Can we get a shot of the push mold figures. I'm sure they aren't pretty but I'm curious how they actually look compared to the pic.

Author:  sgartz [ Wed Nov 13, 2013 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Trek the Motion Picture: Rand

I'm sure I've mentioned this every time you post an update to this project, but I LOVE these. As one of the few people on earth who loves Star Trek: the Motion Picture, I would buy the hell out of these if they were available in stores. I love that you're using the Mego color scheme, too: I agree that the yellow works much better (both as a toy and in general). Any chance of seeing a group photo of what's been done so far along with their production counterparts?

Oh, and the transporter-accident figures are great! That scene scared the crap out of me as a kid for some reason, so it's awesome to see it represented in toy form. "What we got back didn't live long...fortunately."

Author:  newwavepop [ Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Trek the Motion Picture: Rand

now if you could just get these into production please.

Author:  past nastification [ Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Trek the Motion Picture: Rand

Thanks, guys. I've had a lot of fun making this set. It was an interesting challenge to make figures that were compatible with the original toys, but done with better paint. If Mego had just painted the figures' eyes they really would have looked much better.

I might go back and repaint some of the figures. Decker wore a blue uniform in the movie, so that might be worth doing.

I've also become a fan of the movie, though it does drag in some spots. Okay, most spots. The designs of the Enterprise and its innards were nicely done. I like the dimly lit bridge and modular-looking sets.

The uniforms are particularly frustrating. They're too tight and too monochromatic- even the neckband and shoes match the rest of the uniform, but they do have a strange appeal. Had a little more development gone into the uniforms they might have around for more than one movie. With some contrasting elements, maybe a darker lower half with bloused legs like the original show, the pastel uniforms could have worked.

Back to the figure- I can't say how much I love working with that Ilia head. It's already bald. No time wasted sanding or scraping away sculpted hair or filling the rut used to plant rubber hair pieces.

I made a mold of it so that I wouldn't have buy Ilia figures just for the head. Rand's head is actually a cast head.

Here are the push mold figures, without any photoshop on them. I think the armpit stains are from the suspension liquid for the sparkles pooling before it evaporated. The sparkles on a solid color look is interesting in its own right. Might make for an interesting Zartan figure down the road...

ohnotheyreforming.jpg [ 197.63 KiB | Viewed 1206 times ]

Author:  Gaigaan-Dnok [ Tue Nov 19, 2013 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Trek the Motion Picture: Rand

Absolutely not my favorite Star Trek movie, but I love these figures! Not only because of the retro style but because they look factory, and blend with the originals perfectly!
I've been doing some work with the old Galoob 3.75" TNG figures recently, so these are right up my current alley, so to speak.

Great job!

Author:  Silent Master [ Tue Nov 19, 2013 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Trek the Motion Picture: Rand

The one with the white pants looks like Capt Janeway (Sp) from Voyager

past nastification wrote:
These are my friend's Christmas gift this year...

Here's Rand (center), along with M'Ress (who wasn't even in the movie) and Dr. Chapel. The yellow cream color of Rand and Chapel was used so that the figures would better match up with the Mego figures. Although not movie accurate, the color was a good choice by someone at Mego. The toffee color actually used in the movie didn't work too well.

In addition to Rand, I also made an image of the two crew members who die in the transporter disaster. The image will be printed out as part of the packaging. It isn't just photoshop effects done to two figures. I made two warped pushmold figures, which I painted blue with silver flakes. I added photoshop effects over two customs.

Author:  AdrienVeidt [ Wed Nov 20, 2013 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Trek the Motion Picture: Rand

drbindy wrote:
The work is outstanding. The medium may not be my cup of tea, but that's irrelevant. The work of matching the additional characters to the original format is top notch.

Like a scrotum, here it is in a nutshell. The transporter victims are inspired, too.

/The more Trek movies they make, the more I like TMP

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