Spare Parts Brigade - Clean Sweep and Death Adders
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Author:  Spin Doctor [ Sat Dec 07, 2013 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Spare Parts Brigade - Clean Sweep and Death Adders

So I'm trying to burn through some fodder and finish up mostly-done customs that have been sitting around for a while.

The first one was a character I never cared about or even thought about until he showed up in the Battleground game. I thought Clean Sweep would be fun and easy to throw together using the remnants of an old Airtight custom I never finished. Turned out to be a little more work and paint than I was counting on expending, but it came together about the way I pictured:
CleanSweep.jpg [ 140.72 KiB | Viewed 728 times ]

The next one is a new Cobra troop type that I've had in mind a long time but really had no clear vision for until I started re-equipping the Retaliation Alley Vipers with Pursuit of Cobra gear. The "naked" PoC AVs had a very Snake Eyes-esque feel to them, which I thought would be a perfect base for the Cobra Commandos/Saboteurs I had in mind. Once I started trying out different gear combinations on them, I decided they probably didn't need any paint:
DeathAdders.jpg [ 160.32 KiB | Viewed 728 times ]

Because these are pretty much straight re-equips/LBCs, I thought I'd at least give them a back story:

The original Death Adders were recruited from prisons across the country by incarcerated Cobra operatives. Most had been burgulars and second story men. Many had run afoul of the residents in homes or employees at the businesses they targeted and had to shoot or stab their way out. After being released on technicalities discovered by their Crimson Guard lawyers or broken out by the Dreadnoks, each was trained personally by Firefly in the arts of infiltration, demolitions and sabotage. They cross train with the Rock Vipers, Eels and Techno-Vipers before earning their distinctive black and gray uniforms, learning to travel light, move fast and make the absolute worst of whatever technology they have at hand. Each carries only as much gear as he'll absolutely need to get in undetected, locate their target and take it out.

Psyche-Out says: "We found a Death Adder half alive after he'd been discovered planting a bomb at a remote armory. Rather than risk failing to destroy his target, he chose to manually detonate the explosives he was carrying. Before he died, I asked him why he was so willing to sacrifice his life for Cobra. He told me that Cobra had given him his life back when he thought it was over, and that they'd promised to take care of his family if he succeeded. Then he smiled contentedly and slipped away."

Author:  Suntzu [ Sat Dec 07, 2013 9:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Spare Parts Brigade - Clean Sweep and Death Adders

That Death Adder back story was definitely worth reading :)

Author:  Tanstoys [ Sat Dec 07, 2013 10:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Spare Parts Brigade - Clean Sweep and Death Adders

death adders look pretty neat

Author:  Mysterious Stranger [ Sat Dec 07, 2013 11:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Spare Parts Brigade - Clean Sweep and Death Adders

Kinda hard to see the gear on the Adders. Got a parts breakdown?

Author:  Spin Doctor [ Sun Dec 08, 2013 11:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Spare Parts Brigade - Clean Sweep and Death Adders

Thanks, guys.

The Death Adders are the PoC Alley-Viper base figure with tactical vest from the Retaliation -pack Cobra Paratrooper, grenade from a Con Crimson Viper backpack, satchel from a Retaliation Night-Viper, sub-nmachineguns from somewhere with silencers from just about any Retaliation figure that came with a pistol, and headsets from the Resolute comic-pack pilot Destro.

Author:  pluv [ Mon Dec 09, 2013 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Spare Parts Brigade - Clean Sweep and Death Adders

Clean Sweep's helmet is a little bit on the big and boxy side especially with the slimmer tapered legs. Any way to make it a little smaller?

Love the Adders. Very cool and the end of the write up was great.

Author:  OreoBuilder [ Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Spare Parts Brigade - Clean Sweep and Death Adders

Both are great, but I especially love the simple elegance of the Night Adders.


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