I bought one of these planes a year or more ago on sale, for my son to play with. I told him that even though I was letting him have it, I would soon be customizing it (though he could play with the finished product also).
Initially, I thought that might just mean painting it, but I've turned it into a bigger project. Without revealing what I want the end result to be just yet, I have started some interior work, primarily the removal of the built in bench-seating for the pilots, the sound effects box, and the walls dividing the front and the back.
The plastic is a bear, and while I'll take the blame for user error or insufficient knowledge of dremel bits (I really only ever use it for figure mods which is easy enough), I really can't get the inside walls to smooth out evenly, in the spots where I've done the cutting. As a result, I'm preparing to have to do some interior wall work, which might look good anyway, at least restricted to the cockpit area.
I'm leaving that one half-wall up, as a divider of sorts, and also to be able to use the other side of it (behind where the new pilot chairs will be) as a navigator's station or some such thing.
Thoughts? questions? tips for getting better/smoother results on the interior walls?
Kwinn_Lives wrote:
you have now won more JCAs than anyone in the history of the award.
Mysterious Stranger wrote:
You sir are the definition of a Renaissance Nerd... you do it all so damn well.