Galactic Primitives: The Orcs Of Tolkien III
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Author:  The Spectre [ Mon Jul 28, 2014 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Galactic Primitives: The Orcs Of Tolkien III

Excerpt from "The Galactic Almanac Of Developed Species" (Fourth Edition):

Despite the relatively high level of technology that the majority of the Galaxy's citizens enjoy, not every planet in the Galaxy is as advanced as the more civilized worlds in the Core. Throughout our million-system Galaxy, there are scores of worlds that harbor less advanced native sentients. From the Jawas and Tusken Raiders of distant Tattooine to the savage Ewoks of the forest moon of Endor, less advanced "primitive" cultures can be found on many worlds that are best avoided by the sophisticated Galactic traveller.

Case in point: the distant world of Tolkien III, found on the very fringe of the Galaxy near the dangerous region of "Wild Space".

Tolkien III boasts no less than five different primitive sentient species and several different subspecies of same. The various sentient species resemble many of the horrific creatures found in ancient fantasy literature from across the Galaxy earning them the names of said fantastical beings: Orcs, Goblins, Ogres, Trolls and Gaunts.

The Orcs of Tolkien III can be divided into three major species , with each species having several subspecies. The three main species can be simply identified by the dominant color of their flesh: Brown, Green and White.

White Orcs tend to be quite large, 2.5 - 3 meters, and heavily muscled. They appear to be the dominant Orc species despite their relatively small numbers.White Orcs have been observed to be more intelligent than the other two species.

Green Orcs stand just over 2 meters and are split between two major subspecies, divided by their geography. Northern Green Orcs tend to be more heavily muscled while Southern Green Orcs tend to be slimmer, yet still athletically built.

Brown Orcs are most plentiful, but are the smallest standing at just under 2 meters. Brown Orcs tend to be less intelligent than the other two major species, but are brutal fighters and not to be underestimated.

Orcs in general are more technologically advanced than Goblins, having been observed in the use of simple mechanical devices (catapults and enormous artillery crossbows) as well as their use of ranged weapons like bolos and archery equipment.

Some Orcs have been seen wearing warpaint on their leathery faces, often in the shape of handprints or skull-like images. It is unclear to this observer if the warpaint is ceremonial or depicts some form of rank system.

Brown Orcs use massive, lupine creatures known as Wargs as war mounts, even going so far as to master precise archery skills while riding the beasts.

Archer I, Archer II, Night Archer, Warg Rider Archer








Swordsman I, Swordsman II, Berzerker I, Berzerker II




Heavy Armor I, Heavy Armor II, Ultra Heavy Armor, Elite Fighter




Footsoldier I, Footsoldier II, Warg Rider Lancer I, Warg Rider Lancer II








Executioner, Slavemaster/Torturer




Weapons Rack

Dio Shots:













Author:  sgcaper [ Mon Jul 28, 2014 6:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Galactic Primitives: The Orcs Of Tolkien III

Fantastic! Love the variety of gear. Excellent!

Author:  DanOfTheDead [ Mon Jul 28, 2014 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Galactic Primitives: The Orcs Of Tolkien III

Awesome army building.

Author:  cowboybard [ Mon Jul 28, 2014 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Galactic Primitives: The Orcs Of Tolkien III

super cool army build of orcs

Author:  DarkJedi [ Tue Jul 29, 2014 12:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Galactic Primitives: The Orcs Of Tolkien III

There is quality and there is quantity.

And then there is the stuff Spectre generates.

:bow: :bow:

Author:  Dusty79 [ Tue Jul 29, 2014 1:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Galactic Primitives: The Orcs Of Tolkien III

I don't know this stuff well enough to know how much of this detail paint and realism is your handiwork, but I am assuming most of it is your doing and it is seriously impressive.

Author:  pluv [ Tue Jul 29, 2014 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Galactic Primitives: The Orcs Of Tolkien III

You did a bang up job with all the weapons. I like how you leveled out the ranks Archer I, Archer II, etc. Brought me back to the RPG days.

Author:  The Spectre [ Tue Jul 29, 2014 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Galactic Primitives: The Orcs Of Tolkien III

Thanks guys.

Dusty, just about everything aside from the flesh (the war paint was done by me) and a couple of the bone skirt decorations was completely repainted on the base figures while just about all of the weapons and armor bits were custom made and painted.

Author:  Cap [ Sun Aug 03, 2014 1:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Galactic Primitives: The Orcs Of Tolkien III

Rockage to the stratosphere. I could so use a warband of Orcs to shadow my Gnoll.

Everything from the diversity of the Orcs to the unique weapons, is pure gold!

Oh, and you have to teach me how to do that spikey hair thing on the one with the star shield. If I ever can find the MU head of Valkyrie, I am making Seoni from the Pathfinder Games module and that technique would seal her signature hairstyle in the back.

So that's what the Anakin Tusken stand/sack looks like up close(weapons rack). Now I REALLY want one to use as deco on the Falmer cave I have planned. Been a bear trying to find one anywhere.

Author:  The Spectre [ Sun Aug 03, 2014 1:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Galactic Primitives: The Orcs Of Tolkien III

Thanks for the kind words, Cap. Your work is what I measure my Fantasy customs against so praise from you means a lot to me.

The spiky part of the headdress is around 40 "legs" of various lengths from multiple "Valor Vs. Venom" drones arranged more or less randomly. They were glued to the back of the Orc ' s head under the rear of the headdress with different lengths next to one another to allow for the appearance seen. That took almost 2 hours to get right.

Author:  TR101AL [ Tue Aug 05, 2014 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Galactic Primitives: The Orcs Of Tolkien III

Very nice. You've been quite busy. I love the variety of parts you used to make them unique.

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