You can see the inspiration behind this
here and
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BIO: The Blue Hood is a world class assassin trained in the deadly art of Eskrima. No one knows who he is, or how old he is. He operated heavily in the turmoil of the 60's and 70's and then disappeared suddenly in the early to mid 80's. No one could find him. Rumors were as diverse as he had been killed, he had retired and become a Miller in Scotland, he had taken up a hermetic lifestyle on the banks of a Fjord in Norway, and he was living in a dark cave in the Badlands of South Dakota. No one knows for sure.
What is known is that over 20 years later, he reappeared on the world stage and does not appear to have missed a step. He is as deadly as the Krait for which he emulates his style, and is even taken to poisoning his targets with a special venom called The Krait's Kiss. It induces a quick paralysis and if left untreated will lead to blindness and death within 20 minutes.
Background: I'm not sure what it is, but I get absolutely enamored with people's first customs. Especially when that person still has them so many years later. When Jm7o showed me his OG figure and the custom he was working on, it got stuck in my brain. I loved the simplicity of it, and the almost pulp feel. Regrettably, I couldn't use the Retaliation CC boots I wanted for this custom, but the DG CC ones are a fine substitute. The rest is 25th Torpedo and Ult Ret CC.
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This pic is just a square off versus a WIP I've been working on, am almost finished with and in their respective fighting stances.