I know it's a bit odd to say that I don't like that a figure of a talking raccoon character doesn't seem realistic enough, yet that's where my mind has always been on the MU GotG comic version/3-pack Rocket. Maybe it's more that the exaggerated animated style simply doesn't jive with my own.
Anyway, I really like the design of the character from the movie. Like others, I was disappointed to see there wouldn't be an in-scale line of figures to support the movie.
However, I also noticed that the Rocket from the 2" scale line looks remarkably close to the right size of a 1:18 raccoon. The bad part being that this figure is static. So I am I trying to use his head and perhaps some other bits to make an articulated version. Maybe I could have just skipped this new Rocket altogether and used a schleich head, but here I am.
I'm using a base figure donated from my son's Transformers line that had the humans with them. (The contract requires that he be allowed to play with the Rocket custom on demand.)
you can see that the new base body luckily has a torso that can be painted to come real close to this look. The articulation is fantastic except for the lack of elbows. Normally I wouldn't care for a gimmicky figure like this, but I may still try to fix that (any ideas?)
I plan to sculpt fur on the limbs to match the overall design of the movie figure.
I sliced off Rocket's head, then dremeled it hollow. I chopped off most of the human head, but left a flat surface on top of the swivel peg. then I drilled, posted and glued a neck ball on top.
this is as far as I got last night. I think the overall size is still good, though he is just a touch taller now, which I think brings him more fully into a "realistic" 1:18
Other miscellaneous stuff I've been doing:
another basic Tony Stark, this one for my son (he wanted him to be wearing jeans):
(oh, and you can see in that pic where I turned an Astroboy garbage dog into an Android mascot)
Can't remember if I posted my final Mary Jane Watson update or not, but I like this head a bunch more. also, in lieu of the Spidey logo on her shirt, I gave her a different type of Spidey stamp:
also, there's this:
Been getting to some random pieces also. This figure has been in my WIP box forever. Just a random criminal and scene filler for my sci-fi verse. I feel like I've not touched enough on the dark and seedy side of things yet (well, other than Joe's Cantina that is), so I want to keep adding to that aspect of the verse a bit more.
The pics aren't great (the head really doesn't look so disproportionate in person) and I'm not sure how well they show off the tats, which really is where my customizing here was most involved.
In my previous Ajax thread, Cap suggested I give him a dagger with a story behind it. I've created the story, which will eventually be told, but here's a quick peek at the dagger:
pretty sure it's a Slayer/Tri-gate piece. For my story, the sculpted piece on the handle is the head of an Ajax Dragon (think eagle/pterodactyl beastie thingie) found on Ajax's homeworld (Orbis Bellator), the beast which is also the Ajax family crest.
My "Ash" figure from Joe's Cantina got an upgrade from shades to glasses, thanks to Nova - man what an ugly cuss this guy is (for being a Cantina ladies' man anyway...)
Kwinn_Lives wrote:
you have now won more JCAs than anyone in the history of the award.
Mysterious Stranger wrote:
You sir are the definition of a Renaissance Nerd... you do it all so damn well.