It has been a while since I have posted a custom. Other things have taken my attention lately and I haven't been working on my projects. However over the last 2 weeks I have trying to catch up. I had this one partially done for a long time. The only thing left was painting the body. A big thanks to mswi for providing me this wonderful sculpt/cast work from Krexx. For sure makes Wild Weasel a much better figure. mswi also used it for his own WW custom. I used the same parts choice so some credit goes to him and I added a mod to the head. The visor is now fully articulated. I didn't take a shot with it down because I'm a bit afraid of it being sort of glued to the helmet by now. Plus my intention is to displayed it like this. For a full visor down with have hasbro's version. I should have moved it regularly in order not to stick but as I said haven't been working on it for long time.
Parts list
Head: 25th Wild Weasel modded with visor from Para Viper
Torsos: Krexx cast
Upper arms: 25th Wild Weasel
Lower arms: ROC Air Viper
Upper legs: 25th Wild Weasel
Knee pads: 25th Wild Weasel
Lower legs: DG Shipreck
Feet: DG Shipwreck