Joan the Purifier
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Author:  drbindy [ Sun Nov 23, 2014 1:36 am ]
Post subject:  Joan the Purifier

I think I previewed this figure some time ago. But I just added her to the gallery and wrote this bio, and felt it was worth a share. She belongs to my sci-fi verse, obviously, and is an original character, no matter how many homage points might be scored...

The Back-Story
Of all the wars fought, or still being fought, between or by the Two Kingdoms, the war still raging between the Kingdom of Avalonia and the Zelotes is the least publicized of all.

Perhaps this is simply because the battles have been fought on planets at the furthest reaches of the Fringe Worlds. More likely it is because of the sensitive political implications of the Avalonians hoping to silence the last remnants of Old Earth's powerful old religious infrastructures.

In any event, the old saying that "On the Fringe, there are no heroes" has definitely held true.

The only real reports to ever be re-told usually involve a regiment of the King's Army known as the Dragoons. The Dragoons are a ragtag lot of soldiers most often viewed not fit for regular service. Some are conscripted, some are petty criminals, others are themselves the leftovers of quelled revolts. No matter the reason a man joins the Dragoons, the cause for which they fight thereafter remains one and the same: Freedom. For any ordinary Dragoon who scores his weight in confirmed kills is granted an early and immediate release from service, which is otherwise set for life.

Joan, conscripted from the war-torn Fringe world colony of Arcadia, is no "ordinary" Dragoon. She is the only female in her regiment, sure. But what makes her so unique is her dedication to her craft. Even at the tender age of 19, Joan has already amassed kills thrice the count of her weight, yet she has declined her release from service thrice as well. For Joan has felt a calling, the likes of which only the Zelotes she slaughters could have even the slightest appreciation for.

Joan has earned the nickname "The Purifier", though in truth that is what she has named the giant mechanical arm/blade with which she purifies the souls of those she fights.

So convinced is she, that her cause is the righteous and just one, that she has shed all but the most essential of her armor and armament, trusting with blind faith in the justice which her mechanical arm will wield.

The Figure

Author:  Iron Will [ Sun Nov 23, 2014 9:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joan the Purifier

Awesome figure but this is one of those rare occasions where there is just something off in the face for me. Maybe if the hairline were a tad lower. Not sure what it is, but it is the eye forehead area.

Author:  AdrienVeidt [ Sun Nov 23, 2014 9:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joan the Purifier

Me likey. She looks like the dirty girl that *needs* purifying rather than the one doing it, lol.

Author:  AdrienVeidt [ Sun Nov 23, 2014 9:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joan the Purifier

Can we see some profile shots? I think I see what Will's seeing, but it might be a face-depth issue. Using such crisp close-ups makes her look like she's unfinished, too. I know from experience that she likely looks great in-hand, but your photo set-up is specifically intended to magnify everything. Some wash/highlight in her hair would help, and some clean-up where black leather meets fleshtone would be nice. But I do indeed like what I'm seeing, and may need to use my Bultar similarly since she's so boring.

Author:  sgcaper [ Sun Nov 23, 2014 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joan the Purifier

Very cool figure. Really dig the story and the use of parts.

Author:  drbindy [ Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joan the Purifier

I'll take some extra pics today. Admittedly these pics were done with my old set up.

I'm curious if the concern on the head is with the sculpt? It's semi intentional that I chose head which was not a beauty queen, even though not unattractive either.

Author:  past nastification [ Sat Nov 29, 2014 3:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joan the Purifier

Great figure. Really nice detail work on the eyes, too.

Author:  Cap [ Sat Nov 29, 2014 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joan the Purifier

I like her, and the way you kept the black accents on the armor to tie the whole ensemble together. Bultar's armor piece is customizing gold.

Her muted looks work for me, and she must be good because there ain't a scar on her anywhere.

Is that the Clone Wars Shaak-Ti robe with the narrow arms and the trim fit? If so, good choice.

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