I've had these done for a while. I've just been so busy with work, wedding planning and a bunch of other stuff that I haven't had a chance to post them yet. They aren't anything revolutionary, just a few simple customs.
Star VipersThis is my third take at this character. The recipe is really simple and these are borderline LBCs. The antique gold matches the vintage version almost perfectly.These should be my last attempt as I am quite satisfied with them.
Head, backpack: Aqua Viper Officer
Torso, arms, lower legs: RoC The Doctor
Upper legs: DG Snake Eyes
Desert Flak:Since I have already repainted the APC, Wolverine, VAMP, Whirlwind, MMS and Howitzer in this desert color scheme, why not the Flak? I still have to do the MOBAT and HAL and that should take care of most of the early vehicles
Concept Case Flint:This is not something I'm in a rush to make for myself (although it would make a great desert Flint to go with the Flak
), but a while back, a fellow Joe fan approached me for a custom. He really liked the look of the Flint that Hasbro showed off in their famous concept case. This is the result.
VAMPs:I showed off my LBC urban ops VAMP I a while ago. So here is my LBC green VAMP II. I'm pretty sure everyone and their mother has already done this, but here it is anyway
At last count, I had at least 9 different versions of the VAMP on my display shelves - most of them customs of some sort. I need to take a pic of all of them together.