Bat-Pod WIP
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Author:  AdrienVeidt [ Tue Sep 01, 2015 3:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Bat-Pod WIP

I'm showing off this Moebius Models Bat-Pod mostly in the interest to letting the rest of you guys know about it. I don't recall hearing of it before seeing it in the HobbyWorld shop awhile ago. It's listed as 18th scale but seems a tad small due to how SE rides in the cradle. It comes with a TDKR CatWoman figure, but she doesn't have any cannibalizable parts aside from the head and it's not really a flattering depiction of Anne Hathaway, imho.

The Pros are that it's detailed out the wazoo and the wheels roll. The Cons are that it's very spindly and likely to break somewhere sooner or later, and that the wheels are off-center and roll wonky (although that's no doubt my fault as everything went together well enough).

I still haven't painted it nor have a BatMan to ride it. I'm just not able to come up with a recipe I like. On the other hand, I might paint it up for my Carrie Kelly Robin instead.







Author:  Mysterious Stranger [ Tue Sep 01, 2015 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bat-Pod WIP

I don't know. If you could get a figure to bend enough to really cradle the body like in the movie I think the scale issues would improve. The figure really needs to hug it to look right.

Author:  Rambo [ Tue Sep 01, 2015 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bat-Pod WIP

Is it based on a Chameleon?

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