Guys, I'm sorry but I just can't finish this one. I almost completed one figure, and with two to go, I pull out of this NJC. Hopefully back for next.
Several reasons:
- Had some rough time lately
- It was not nearly as fun as I would have thought working on this particular project (which was great in it self, it was my choice of group that sucked).
- Painting with yellow has been so annoying I want to throw this custom out the window.
Ok here is how far I got:
Group: Desert DwellersApperance: Some Marvel comics in the 80s, among them WCA
What's the deal: They were created by West Coast Avengers' nemesis, Dominus, and are quite possibly the lamest supervillains I have seen. As I have an affection for funny customs, I have had these villains in my sight for a good while actually. The Cactus custom alone would be worth the work.
But I never got that far, and I just couldn't find out how to make the others articulated, and tbh I had so much else on my mind than this.
I have also worked on a couple of other customs, that for reasons you will soon find out, have had higher priority for me.
SUNSTROKE:Actually I'm pleased how this turned out, when I think back how horrifying it was to paint with yellow. It just don't work, I have no idea what it is. Head and feet are pretty much spot on the reference picture. The rest is ok. If I continued, I would have used those small coctail umbrellas for his "wings".
Head: Croc Master
Chest: Tiger Force Outback
Arms: Normal Outback!
Waist: No idea
Thighs: Storm Shadow
Feet: Mercer
Again, really sorry for giving up. I hope to come stronger back for the GP and with my current projects.
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