25A LBC Beachead, Firefly, JCW's Triple A
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Author:  Grand Ole Phil [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  25A LBC Beachead, Firefly, JCW's Triple A

I don’t know why Beachhead has a crossbow, so I gave all his gear to Firefly where I think it makes more sense as far as what Firefly’s job is. Here’s Beachhead with gear reminiscent of version 2. He’s my favorite 25A sculpt so far!



My version of Firefly uses a Marauder MP-5K and that red thing on the vest could be an explosives pack or whatever.

My JCW wrestler Triple A, thanks to roguetiger for the crowbar and other weapons of property destruction the Dreadnoks can’t do without :-D

Author:  Lance Sputnik [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 25A LBC Beachead, Firefly, JCW's Triple A

Hmm. Mixing both ARAH styles of Beachhead = fearless and inventive. WIN! Firefly looks sweet, but Beachhead looks killer.

AAA I think I commented over at JCW, but I really dig that figure. And the crowbar makes a great accessory. I can't wait to kick his ass. ;)

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