Doctor Terrence Orr and Sgt Hacker
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Author:  MarkM [ Sun Sep 10, 2017 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Doctor Terrence Orr and Sgt Hacker

Mission report from Agent Faces:

I received word that Sgt Hacker was captured during a mission in South America and brought to Cobra Island for interrogation. I am trying to locate for rescue and extraction, but an explosion on the island has everyone on high alert.

Status Update:
The location of the explosion had been identified. It was in the lab of Cobra's cybernetics expert, doctor Terrence Orr. Sgt. Hacker has also been located. He was the victim of experimentation and is now working for Dr. Orr. He received a partial lobotomy, had a computer implanted in his brain, was pumped full of steroids and other growth enhancing agents, as well as cybernetic augmentations. It was during these events he accidentally triggered the explosion. Doctor Orr nearly died in the explosion and was given emergency cybernetic life support by his assistants, with Hacker being one of them. The cybernetic bodies the two have are modular and able to share components. Photos attached:







These two are a couple who have been sitting in a drawer for a few years, waiting for me to finish them. As soon as I saw the MARS robots back when they first came out, especially the red one and the blue one, I wanted to make Doc Terror and his sidekick Hacker. I didn't like the character of Sgt. Hacker when he was made, so thought he would be a good candidate to be turned into the stooge. Parts are:

Doc Terror:
Red MARS robot modified
BBI head with various parts for cybernetics
The Corps! Right arm and leg

Blue MARS robot modified with 25th Zartan lower torso
Chap Mei head
TRU True Heroes left arm and leg

They need the paint touched up but otherwise are where I want them to be to tie Centurions in with GI Joe.

Author:  DarkJedi [ Mon Sep 11, 2017 3:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Doctor Terrence Orr and Sgt Hacker

I really thought Hacker would be turned into the new Robo-Joe...

Author:  MarkM [ Mon Sep 11, 2017 9:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Doctor Terrence Orr and Sgt Hacker

I thought about it, but Doc Terror needs his Hacker and the name was right there, so I had to go that route. I do have more of those MARS bot bodies, so I'll probably do a Robo-Joe and maybe some Star Brigade figures. I haven't done any 1:18 customizing in a while, been focused on the Mega and Dianaut stuff, but when I was looking for some bits for a Mega custom and saw those two sitting in a box, I decided I needed to finish them.

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